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Greg and SCS recommended we put a cap in for our expenditures on operation= =20 costs that HPL was willing to eat for the HPL Operated Facilities. I have= =20 modified section 5 accordingly for your review: 5. Operation. RNP shall operate and maintain the RNP Facilities in=20 accordance with sound and prudent natural gas industry practice and shall b= e=20 fully responsible for the routine operation and maintenance thereof and for= =20 all cost and expense associated therewith. HPL shall operate and maintain = or=20 cause the operation and maintenance of the HPL Facilities and the HPL=20 Operated Facilities in accordance with the Standards and with sound and=20 prudent natural gas pipeline industry practice and shall be fully responsib= le=20 for the operation and maintenance thereof and for all cost, expense and ris= k=20 associated therewith, except for any Meter Fee assessed, as defined in=20 Section 3 above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, HPL shall notify RNP five= =20 (5) days prior to performing any scheduled maintenance, repairs or capital= =20 expenditures on the HPL Operated Facilities that are in excess of $3,000.00= =20 for a single item for RNP=01,s approval, which shall not be unreasonably=20 withheld. HPL shall timely invoice RNP for such maintenance, repair or=20 capital expenditures performed by HPL on the HPL Operated Facilities, and R= NP=20 shall pay such invoice within 15 days of its receipt thereof. RNP shall = be=20 responsible for the electric power and phone service, required for the=20 Interconnect. =20 Eric Gillaspie 713-345-7667 Enron Building 3886