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From: Research [mailto:research@texasbar.com] Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 3:18 PM To: ccbatx@aol.com; LopezA@co.potter.tx.us; cmaher@dallasbar.org; epba@dzn.com; hba-office@hba.org; hcba@hiline.net; director@jcba.org; lcba@lcba.org; iccanales@nueces.esc2.net; trisha@tarrantbar.org; delaine@travisbar.com; countylaw@tyler.net; JAOVER@yahoo.com Subject: Annual Meeting Survey (2001) Annual Meeting Survey The State Bar of Texas has appointed a committee to study the Annual Meeting and its programs. The committee would like to hear your views about Annual Meeting and would appreciate your taking a few minutes to answer this survey. To answer this survey, 1) touch the "Reply to sender" button on your computer (specifying that the message be included), 2) fill in your responses, 3) make sure that research@texasbar.com is typed in the "To:" box as the recipient, and 4) send. Your responses will be sent to the Department of Research and Analysis at the State Bar. If you would prefer, you may print this message, and fax it with your answers filled in to 512/463-1475. We would appreciate receiving your completed survey by March 23, 2001. 1. Have you ever attended a State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting? [ ] Yes (Please answer Question 2a.) [ ] No (Please skip to Question 3a.) QUESTIONS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE ATTENDED ANNUAL MEETING: 2a. How many Annual Meetings have you attended? [ ] One meeting [ ] Two meetings [ ] More than two meetings 2b. Using the following scale, please indicate how important each of the following features was in your decision to attend Annual Meeting. 1=very unimportant 2=somewhat unimportant 3=neither unimportant nor important 4=somewhat important 5=very important [ ] Section CLE programs [ ] Other CLE programs [ ] General Session Luncheon [ ] Committee meetings [ ] Section meetings [ ] Division meetings [ ] Resolutions Committee meeting [ ] Social events (Welcome Party, President's Party) [ ] Texas Bar Foundation dinner [ ] Spouse/Guest/Family activities [ ] Location [ ] Networking [ ] Exhibits [ ] Other (Please specify.) 2c. If you had to eliminate any of the events listed in 2b, which would you eliminate? __________________________________________________ QUESTIONS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER ATTENDED ANNUAL MEETING: 3a. Using the following scale, please indicate how important each of the following factors was in your decision NOT to attend Annual Meeting. 1=very unimportant 2=somewhat unimportant 3=neither unimportant nor important 4=somewhat important 5=very important [ ] Registration fees too high [ ] Travel and accommodations too costly [ ] Location(s) not desirable [ ] Can't afford time out of office [ ] Other scheduling difficulties [ ] CLE not relevant to my practice [ ] Attend meetings of other organizations for professional development needs [ ] I see no benefit to attending [ ] Other (Please specify.) ___________________________________ 3b. Is there anything that would persuade you to attend Annual Meeting in the future? [ ] Yes (Please specify.) _______________________________________ [ ] No [ ] Not sure 3c. With which of the following features of Annual Meeting are you familiar? (Check all that apply.) [ ] Section CLE programs [ ] Other CLE programs [ ] General Session Luncheon [ ] Committee meetings [ ] Section meetings [ ] Division meetings [ ] Resolutions Committee meeting [ ] Social events (Welcome Party, President's Party) [ ] Texas Bar Foundation dinner [ ] Spouse/Guest/Family activities [ ] Other (Please specify.) _____________________________________ QUESTIONS FOR EVERYONE: 4. Which of the following formats would you prefer for a CLE program? [ ] High profile speakers [ ] "Nuts and bolts" practice program [ ] No preference/not sure 5. Do you plan to attend the 2001 Annual Meeting in Austin? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not sure Please add any additional comments or suggestions you may have below: Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to this survey!