Enron Mail |
I can't try this out here at work but maybe you guys are interested....
Ryan F. Ruppert Senior Geologist West Texas Geoscience ExxonMobil Production Co. 396 West Greens Road #603 P.O. Box 4697 Houston, Texas 77067 713.431.1839 Telephone 713.431.1510 Facsimile ----- Forwarded by Ryan Ruppert/U-Houston/ExxonMobil on 03/08/01 08:12 AM ----- JUDMANCONY@aol. com To: Shdeadrick@aol.com, SFlyt@aol.com, e120av8r@yahoo.com, AirDMP@aol.com, ryan.ruppert@exxonmobil.com, ATPFlyer@aol.com cc: 03/05/01 09:43 Subject: Tax Cut PM ************ What will the Bush tax cut mean to your family? *********** The Heritage Foundation has analyzed the President's tax relief package and has created a simple mechanism for you to determine quickly how much it would save you in taxes each year. Try it out for yourself at: http://www.heritage.org/taxcalculator This Heritage Tax Calculator will allow you to simulate some key elements of President George W. Bush's tax plan and how those tax law changes will affect you. The Calculator shows the savings to taxpayers of the fully phased in proposals by President Bush for marginal rates, the dual earner deduction for married couples, the doubling of the child tax credit to $1,000, and the deductibility of charitable contributions by taxpayers who use the standard deduction. By entering in your income and a few other bits of information, you can quickly get an idea of how much money the President's tax cut plan will save you. ************************************************************* PLEASE HELP US FIGHT THE TAX RELIEF BATTLE ************************************************************* The Heritage Foundation is providing the ammunition that conservatives need to fight this battle. But we can't do it without your help. Please support us at this critical moment with your contribution.