Enron Mail

Subject:Top 10 New Year's Resolutions for Enron
Date:Tue, 9 Jan 2001 13:46:00 -0800 (PST)

Think you're really funny? Then show us! Enter the latest Enron Business
Top 10 contest and let us know what you think Enron's New Year's resolutions
should be. (We'll choose ten winners, so only one resolution per person,
please.) There may not be flashing lights and balloon drops if you win, but
you will get your name published and a $25 gift certificate to the Signature

Enter the Enron Business Top 10 contest in the print publication or through
the online version (go to home.enron.com, click on Publications, then on
Enron Business and Volume 6, 2000). Deadline is Friday, January 19.

Good luck!