Enron Mail

Subject:Transco Momentum Expansion Precedent Agreements for Hartwell and
Date:Fri, 9 Feb 2001 09:03:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: John Hodge
X-To: Gerald Nemec
X-Folder: \Gerald_Nemec_Dec2000_June2001_2\Notes Folders\Notes inbox
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Below is the language that Transco has suggested for the Shipper
Termination. (This is the rider that we have already tweaked before.) I
will be out of the office Monday - Wednesday, but I will give you a call.
Ruth Concannon will bring you a copy of the Precedent Agreements. I have
been working with Raimund Grube in the Power Development group on the
Hartwell and Athens plants. I will also provide Raimund with a copy of the
agreements. The agreements will need to be signed by someone on the Power
Development side.

6.????? Shipper's Termination Rights:? In the event that Shipper fails to
receive and accept all the necessary authorizations from all regulatory
agencies with jurisdiction over Shipper's power plant construction by
February 20, 2001, then either Party may terminate this Precedent Agreement
by providing the other Party written notice of such termination.? Each Party
will waive their right of termination mentioned above if such right is not
executed by February 22, 2001.