Enron Mail |
What a start to the 2000 United Way Campaign! =20
We hope you enjoyed the kick-off festivities. Now, it's time to HELP=20 MILLIONS by making your electronic pledge. It's fast and simple. Just cli= ck=20 on the United Way link http://unitedway.enron.com or go directly to Interne= t=20 Explorer or Netscape and type in unitedway.enron.com in the address field. = =20 Either option should take you to Enron=01,s United Way 2000 Campaign site w= here=20 you should be able to make your pledge within minutes. =20 If you have any technical questions, please contact the Enron Helpdesk at= =20 x31411, and for general United Way campaign questions please email Kathy=20 Mayfield. Help Millions, Pledge Today! Thank you in advance for your generosity!