Enron Mail

Subject:Vector - Transportation Agreements
Cc:george.smith@enron.com, kelli.stevens@enron.com
Bcc:george.smith@enron.com, kelli.stevens@enron.com
Date:Thu, 1 Feb 2001 03:39:00 -0800 (PST)

Gerald - I spoke with Jeff Hodge. He gave me your name as the person to
review the documents to allow ENA to transport on Vector Pipeline. The only
one that really needs your review is the Vector Web Access Agreement.
Otherwise, the documents are fill-in-the-blank informational forms.


---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Meyer/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 11:33
AM ---------------------------

anthony.zlahtic@eit.enbridge.com on 01/19/2001 10:44:05 AM
To: chris.meyer@enron.com
Subject: Vector - Transportation Agreements

Chris I enjoyed our conversation this morning. As discussed please find

1) Credit Form

2) Request Form

3) Web Access Agreement

Please have these forms completed and sent to the contacts contained within
the forms. We will generate the transportation agreements from my office
and forward for Enron's execution.

Take care and have a good weekend. Please feel free to contact me with
any questions you may have at (416) 753-7323.

(See attached file: Credit Request.doc)(See attached file: Request for
Service Form.doc)(See attached file: Vector Web Access Agreement.doc)
- Credit Request.doc
- Request for Service Form.doc
- Vector Web Access Agreement.doc