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The current status of the item(s) on your order is detailed below. Order Number: 3679548 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qty Description Unit Cost Total Cost Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 saxonygoblet1230000 25.00 50.00 shipped ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SubTotal: 50.00 Shipping: 6.95 Wrap Charge: 0.00 Tax: 4.70 GrandTotal: 61.65 All in stock items will ship via UPS within 2 business days. Please allow 7-10 business days for regular shipping and 2-3 days for express delivery. If any of the items on your order shows a status of 'shipped', you can track your shipment by logging on to http://WWW.UPS.COM and clicking on the TRACK icon. Scroll Down and Select TRACK BY REFERENCE NUMBER then key in the reservation number for that item found below. Item Desc Resv Num ---------------------------------------- SAXONYGOBLET1230000 73094708 If you have questions about your order, e-mail us at Customer_Service@dillards.com or call 1-800-345-5273. Thank you for shopping Dillard's Direct.