Enron Mail

To:knipe3@msn.com, chet_fenner@bmc.com, erwollam@hotmail.com,brianc@saltgrass.com, btconstantine@aol.com
Subject:RE: KILL!
Date:Tue, 30 Oct 2001 09:38:16 -0800 (PST)

sorry chad, we are excited its just that work sucks balls. give enron got gaven all the way down to 11.25, for 36 two weeks ago,

erik winds are predicted to be out of the east northeast now,

-----Original Message-----
From: chad knipe [mailto:knipe3@msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 12:14 PM
To: Chet Fenner; Parks, Joe; EriK Wollam; Brian Constantine; Brian & Terry Constantine
Subject: KILL!

WHAT THE HELL!! You fools are about to embark on the 2001 pilgrimmage to the sacred killing fields where the noble venado will surrender (hmm..or be passed up) to your hot projectiles and thirst for gutpiles....AND NOT ONE SHRED OF THREADS OR RAMBLINGS TO HYPE AND CELEBRATE YOURSELVES INTO AN OVERPLANNED AND OVER ORCHESTRATED (which always leads to late departure anyway) LATHERED FRENZY!!!

...have you no pride? ...glands? RANT MY GOOD MEN, RANT!! Scrape your heads on the doorframes at the office...spray your bedposts!!! Grunt!!

Do NOT go gently. right.
