Enron Mail

Subject:AW: WOW!
Date:Tue, 30 Oct 2001 04:17:48 -0800 (PST)

Oh, Susan, I can't believe that ENE is trading soooo low! I am so sorry for
all of you there, hopefully a miracle will happen. But you REALLY didn't
want to retire, did you? You're WAY too young! The bad thing about
marrying a man so much younger is, I probably won't retire until he does and
that may be awhile since we just started our own business this year and he's
only 31. I don#t want anyone else being the CFO of MY company, but ME! But
the good thing is having a full time cook/maid.

Well, I heard this morning that they are expecting more terrorist attacks
this week. You all take care. Are people that work at Enron flying as much
as they used too?

Well, I hate to hear that things are up in the air for Renato right now, but
sounds like he got a great package. He will find something good in no time,
I'm sure..then you just have all that extra money!

We have some American guests visiting, my sister-in-law's, cousin's, 2 sons.
They are really nice guys, 19 and 21 and they have been soooo lucky with the
weather. It's great! Sunshine and warm, well warm for us...like 65?. All
the leaves are turning right now, I hope the sunshine lasts a few more days.
They are off touring around town right now, there's so much to see right
here alone, then later in the week they are headed further south to see more
castles and stuff.

Well I have to go get some work done. Hope things start looking up over
there SOON for you all!
