Enron Mail

Subject:Re: FW: Way to Go, Hawks!!
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 10:25:53 -0800 (PST)


Thanks again for all your help. This is the first team that I have ever been involved with that had the asst. coaches get to 100% of the practices. Also, thanks for standing in for me when I had to miss the last couple of games. You did a great job. Maybe if we get a Spring team we could exchange places, and you could take over as the coach. I would help you out when I could, and maybe Jon could, too.

I hope you,Kali, Renato and Michael have a happy Thanksgiving.

Terry Lester

<<< "Pereira, Susan W." <Susan.W.Pereira@enron.com< 11/20/01 11:51AM <<<

I tried to send this to your home email, but it was undeliverable.
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Pereira, Susan W.
< Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:18 AM
< To: 'c4009@aol.com'; 'bobgomez@hal-pc.org'; 'pg1315@aol.com';
< 'tclester@msn.com'; 'jpiper5360@aol.com'; 'vwilbeck@houston.rr.com';
< 'angiodad@swbell.net'; 'jar7133739@aol.com'; 'tblackden@aol.com';
< 'connollys3@juno.com'
< Subject: FW: Way to Go, Hawks!!
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Pereira, Susan W.
< Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:13 AM
< To: '
< Subject: Way to Go, Hawks!!
< I just wanted to thank all the girls and the parents for the
< autographed t-shirt and the restaurant gift certificate. I really
< appreciate it. I had a lot of fun working with the girls. They were
< all so enthusiastic and committed to the team effort. It was very
< rewarding for me to see how the team came together and improved so
< much. The girls have a lot to be proud of. I hope to see everyone in
< the spring soccer program or next fall. Thanks again to all the
< parents for your efforts and time commitment, especially to Terry, Jon
< and Vicki.
< Have a great holiday season.
< Take care,
< Susan Pereira
< P.S. - Terry, could you forward this on to the Reeses, please? I
< don't have their email address. Thanks.

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