Enron Mail

Subject:Where ARE natural gas prices headed ? Check out GasTrader
Date:Mon, 26 Nov 2001 14:18:07 -0800 (PST)

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Dear Colleague,

GasTrader would like to offer you a COMPLIMENTARY trial subscription to
GasTrader - the only natural gas industry publication that deals with today's
critical issue of where natural gas prices are headed, and not where they
have been.

GasTrader features weekly analysis and commentary from the industry's leading
forecasters, observers, and traders.

GasTrader brings you short and long term weather predictions, useful for
planning load and power requirements, as well as price trends, market
outlook, and economic analysis.

In addition GasTrader in its' Market Outlook section brings you no-nonsense
trading recommendations for the wild and volatile natural gas futures. A key
feature for those doing deals tied to the Nymex futures contract.

Check out GasTrader's market recommendations from long time Commodity Trading
Advisor and analyst Bill Burson. See if those recommendations help you do
better deals and expand the razor thin margins so prevalent today in natural
gas marketing.

If you would like to receive your FIVE WEEK COMPLIMENTARY SUBSCRIPTION to
GasTrader, please vistit our website, GasTrader.net and click "subscribe" or
reply to this e-mail and include your name, company and address and
telephone. The publication will be delivered by e-mail usually late Friday
afternoon giving you plenty of time to formulate your trading strategy for

I hope to hear from you soon.


Bill Burson,

P.S. Please visit our website at www.gastrader.net


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