Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Cookie Sales 2002
Date:Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:40:30 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Terrie Sechrist <mudlaw@swbell.net<@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 4:12 PM
To: '12007'; '12152'; '12255'; '12300'; '12351'; Pereira, Susan W.; '12361'; '12364'; '12442'; '12476'; '12633'; '12639'; '12640'
Subject: Cookie Sales 2002

My name is Terrie Sechrist and I am the Service Unit Cookie Manager for
Bending Bayous this year. I know that you were the cookie managers for your
troop(s) last year. I do not have confirmation as to who the cookie
managers are for your troops this year. Will you please respond to this
email and let me know if you are a cookie manager for a troop this year? If
you are not your troop's cookie manager, would you please (if you know) tell
me who is this year's manager (please include the troop number(s) in your
return email. I have sent out three emails to the troop managers today and
would like to get the information to your troop's manager as soon as
possible. Thanks for your help!