Enron Mail

Subject:FW: New Sweet Mesquite at existing Eckerd's site
Date:Mon, 15 Oct 2001 11:35:52 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Pereira, Susan W. =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 15, 2001 1:34 PM
Subject:=09New Sweet Mesquite at existing Eckerd's site

Hi, fellow P&Z members.

I just wanted to let you know about the meeting David Moss and I had with D=
an Muniza of Center America. Sweet Mesquite restaurant is very interested =
in the existing Eckerd's site and is now willing to wait until next summer =
when Eckerd's moves into its new proposed building on the west side of the =
property (where Weiner's is now). Sweet Mesquite expressed an interest in =
some outdoor seating area and Dan Muniza wanted some warm fuzzies that the =
City would allow Center America/Sweet Mesquite to use City easement along =
Braes for a patio area. Currently, that area is being used for parking. T=
he proposed patio would be above the street level by around two feet or so.=
Basically, Center America would extend the existing sidewalk that abuts E=
ckerd's out to the street and fence in the whole patio area with decorative=
fencing or brick. They would also include some plantings, greenery, etc. =
David Moss is checking with David Allums (city attorney) about any potenti=
al liability with Center America/Sweet Mesquite using City easement. Also,=
there is an existing water line under this parking area that would need to=
be relocated closer to the street. I think David will be able to give us =
a cost estimate on this at our next meeting. David did mention that the li=
ne is in need of replacement anyway.

As for the new Eckerd's building, Dan Muniza did not have the proposed elev=
ations from Eckerd's yet. He's expecting to get something this week. He's=
reserving the right to pick something that will blend in with the existing=

Also, there was some concern at the last City Council meeting about the add=
itional parking needs of a Sweet Mesquite. Dan Muniza indicated that the p=
arking behind the center is open to anyone. They prefer that it be availab=
le for Center America employees and tenants during the day, but it's wide o=
pen after 5 pm.

David Moss will be contacting everyone soon about scheduling a meeting to d=
iscuss the City's proposed landscaping ordinance. He wanted to do that pri=
or to Comp. Plan meeting on the 30th.


Susan Pereira