Enron Mail

Subject:Important Notice Regarding Your Account
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 15:10:27 -0700 (PDT)

Dear QuickBase Customer: We want to let you know of a great opportunity =
that will take your use of QuickBase, the Web-based service for managing,=
organizing, and sharing information, to the next level! Beginning Novemb=
er 9, 2001, you can create a single database, up to 10 KB in size, attach =
up to 500 KB in files and program QuickBase - all at no charge. How does =
this impact you? It's a great opportunity for you to evaluate QuickBase f=
or free and see how easy it is to share information. Create your database =
from scratch or choose one of our samples for common business applications=
. Or, maybe you have a spreadsheet you want to share. Simply import or pas=
te into QuickBase. Can you create even more databases? Yes, you can. If =
you're impressed with QuickBase, sign up for one of three monthly servic=
e plans. Be sure to sign in using your QuickBase username, vladi.pimenov@e=
nron.com, and password. On these plans, starting at $14.95/month, you can=
create multiple databases with expanded capacity to meet your growing bus=
iness needs. You can also have better control of database user access rig=
hts, receive expert support via e-mail, and program QuickBase. Review our =
Service Plan Highlights below to choose the plan that best fits your needs=
. As a special offer for our existing Starter Plan customers, your first =
month of service is free when you sign up by November 9, 2001.* Once ag=
ain, QuickBase is a great way to manage, organize and share information. C=
reate a QuickBase database, and you'll see why! Regards, Jill Ward Gener=
al Manager Intuit QuickBase *One-time offer valid only through November 9=
, 2001. **************************************** Service Plan Highlight=
s: QuickBase offers a variety of plans to fit your business needs. Star=
ter Plan: No Charge Limits: 1 database; 10 KB maximum database size; 500 K=
B total attached files; API access Basic Plan: $14.95 Per Month Limits: u=
p to 15 databases; 2 MB maximum database size; 15 MB total attached files=
; API access; Advanced Feature set; E-support Intermediate Plan: $29.95 P=
er Month Limits: up to 30 databases; 2 MB maximum database size; 50 MB tot=
al attached files; API access; Advanced Feature set; E-support Premium P=
lan: $49.95 Per Month Limits: up to 50 databases; 3 MB maximum database si=
ze; 125 MB total attached files; API access; Advanced Feature set; E-suppo=
rt Questions? Review our Frequently Asked Questions for immediate answer=
s. For information about your current status and more details about our =
service plans, go to your My Account page. ***************************=
************* Notes: **Terms, conditions, pricing features, and service =
options subject to change without notice. If you elect to take advantage =
of the special offer, your credit card will not be charged until your seco=
nd month of QuickBase usage. Please do not reply to this e-mail, as we w=
ill not be able to respond. Instead, submit your inquiries to QuickBase Su=
pport through the QuickBase Web site. QuickBase is a registered trademark=
of Intuit Inc. **************************************** This e-mail no=
tice was sent to inform you of a critical matter. Please note that your In=
tuit e-mail preferences pertain only to offers of a promotional nature. Yo=
u will continue to receive critical notifications that could affect your s=
ervice. This e-mail was sent to the following e-mail address: vladi.pime=
nov@enron.com =09
QuickBase Logo The easy way to manage, organize, and share information =
over the Web. =09