Enron Mail

To:corry.bentley@enron.com, jason.choate@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com
Subject:FW: EPMI List Non terminated parties
Date:Wed, 2 Jan 2002 09:51:36 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Portz, David
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 10:01 AM
To: Panus, Stephanie; Bailey, Susan
Cc: Nettelton, Marcus; Sager, Elizabeth; Hansen, Leslie; Murphy, Harlan; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Presto, Kevin M.; Portz, David
Subject: RE: EPMI List Non terminated parties
Importance: High

Stephanie and Susan -- This remains a priority. Please e-mail those persons identified above when a termination letter comes in from any of the below-listed East Power counterparties, and give a copy of the letter received to one of the listed power trading attorneys for immediate review. Following a meeting this afternoon we will have a moire fully defined procedure and distribution list of names for communicating regarding the listed counterparties. I will visit with you this morning so that we work out any questions you may have about this. Thanks. --David

-----Original Message-----
From: Portz, David
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 11:30 AM
To: Panus, Stephanie
Cc: Nettelton, Marcus; Sager, Elizabeth; Hansen, Leslie; Murphy, Harlan
Subject: RE: EPMI List Non terminated parties

Stephanie -- Please keep watch for termination letters coming in from any of these counterparties and make me aware immediately of anything received --also Elizabeth Sager, Marcus, Harlan and Leslie. We may be resuming the scheduling of power with these counterparties but will not do so with a party that has terminated its enabling agreement(s) with EPMI. Thanks.

Restore Service List 21 Dec. 01

AES New Energy
Alcoa Power Geenerating
Ameren [Portz, David] terminated by letter dated 12-18-01
BECO (Boston Electric)
Cargill Alliant LLC
Central Maine
Citizens Communications Co
CP&L (Carolina Power & Light)
DTE Energy Trading
Entergy Services
First Energy Solutions [Portz, David] terminated effective 1-1-02 by letter dated 12-21-01
Green Mountain Power Corp.
GPU Service
HQ Energy Services (Hydro Quebec) [Portz, David] terminated effective 1-1-02 by letter dated 12-18-01
IP&L (Indiana Power & Light)
LG&E (LG&E Energy Marketing)
Minnesota Power & Light
NIMO (Niagara Mohawk Energy
NSTAR Electric )
OG&E (OGE Energy Resources)
Select Energy
Southern Illinois
Split Rock Energy
Taunton Municipal Light
TXU Energy Trading
UI (United Illuminating [Portz, David] terminated by letter dated 12-21-01
VEPCO (Virginia Electric Power Co.)
Wisconsin Electric

-----Original Message-----
From: Panus, Stephanie
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 10:00 AM
To: Portz, David; Nettelton, Marcus
Subject: EPMI List

<< File: EPMI List.xls << << File: Letter Log 12-20.xls <<

Attached is a list of the EPMI terminations. The 12-20 list may contain additional EPMI counterparties that have not yet been added to the Master List.