Enron Mail

Subject:FW: ERCOT LSE's
Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:36:52 -0700 (PDT)

Ader has managed to get cross-wise with another good employee. =20

Ader's "supply group" has essentially stolen Roger's approved ERCOT LSE acc=
ounts. Rogers needs these LSE accounts to serve load in ERCOT and now he =
has none. This is BS and should not be tolerated.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Wagner, Joseph =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, October 16, 2001 1:09 PM
To:=09Presto, Kevin M.; Herndon, Rogers
Subject:=09FW: ERCOT LSE's

Kevin and Rogers,

After meeting with Ader yesterday to discuss some LSE topics and sending hi=
m a polite, to the point email, I received this email response from him. T=
his email completely misrepresents what was dicussed and makes me look bad =
to management. I am about ready for war, so I think it is better that some=
one else look at this before I do something to get fired. I have never bee=
n so completely disgusted with someone who is supposed to be a figure of re=
spect and authority, and is a Vice President at a company like Enron. My e=
mail was addressed to Ader and Bernstein and copied Rogers and Nancy Hetric=
k since these are the people who have knowledge of the subject matter. For=
him to copy the people he did, and hide behind his contacts, while lying a=
bout our conversation, and skewing it in a manner in which I would never ac=
t, is inexcusable. I would expect more from a 4th grader. Sorry for the r=
anting and raving. Kevin - Rogers is out today, so if you would like to di=
scuss this further, please call me at 33143. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Ader, Jeff =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, October 16, 2001 12:21 PM
To:=09Wagner, Joseph
Cc:=09Delainey, David; Dietrich, Janet; Blachman, Jeremy; Holmes, Sean; Ber=
nstein, Mark; Hetrick, Nancy; Herndon, Rogers; Ochsner, Preston
Subject:=09Re: ERCOT LSE's


I requested a meeting with you yesterday to work with you and convey what w=
e have learned over the last three months by working with regulatory and th=
e ERCOT ISO to utilize and create additional LSE accounts. As you were inf=
ormed by Nancy Hetrick of regulatory all three currently available LSE acco=
unt are committed by Structured Supply for use under currently negotiated m=
asters. We requested the meeting with you yesterday to explain what we wer=
e doing and why we needed the other three EES LSE accounts. We also took t=
he time to explain the process for establishing new LSE accounts, under a L=
LC structure which is not complicated, but the structure that the new LSE a=
ccounts would be created under (SPV) is inconsistent with the masters negot=
iated and EES would not be able to perform under these masters.

We have tried to work with you in cooperation to accomplish your goals cons=
istent with the constraints of the ERCOT rules. We have explained our need=
s and the reason for them. We conveyed our interest in working together to =
accomplish the greater good for the company and offered our help in any way=
we could. You mark and I agreed that it would be easier to help each othe=
r and not duplicate efforts. We were appreciative of your willingness to p=
roceed consistent with this spirit of cooperation. It disheartens and surp=
rises me that you would leave the meeting with this understanding and in ag=
reement of the business situation and send an e-mail the next morning, with=
out picking up the phone or stopping by to discuss this and just attempt to=
dictatorially commandeer the LSE accounts that you knew were committed and=
why they were committed. =20

Moreover; you told us that you thought you might need one more and you have=
attempted to take three more.

Best regards,


From:=09Joseph Wagner/ENRON@enronXgate on 10/16/2001 09:14 AM
To:=09Mark Bernstein/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Ader/HOU/EES@EES
cc:=09Nancy Hetrick/ENRON@enronXgate, Rogers Herndon/ENRON@enronXgate, Pres=
ton Ochsner/ENRON@enronXgate=20
Subject:=09ERCOT LSE's

Thank you for taking the time to discuss the LSE situation in ERCOT. The p=
resent LSE was set up by EES and is being utilized by EWS Retail and EWS Se=
rvices Group, for physical delivery in ERCOT for EES load. In order to bet=
ter manage EES volume and structure growth in ERCOT, billing issues, and op=
timization of the present and future portfolio, EES/EWS Retail will require=
the use of the sub LSE's available under EES's existing LSE arrangement. =
Structured Supply will be responsible for the creation of any LLC's that ne=
ed to be created to facilitate additional LSE availability. If you have an=
y questions or comments, please either email or call me (ext 33143). Thank=

-Joe =20