Enron Mail

To:john.lavorato@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com
Subject:FW: Martin Lin and Power Fundamentals
Date:Wed, 9 Jan 2002 12:00:35 -0800 (PST)

Can I hire Martin Lin back into Netco from the estate. He has provided va=
luable transmission & dispatch modeling expertise to our fundies group (he =
worked for Vince in Research). We have lost Anna Santucci to CMS and this=
would not change our headcount in the fundies group.

Additionally, if I was forced to cut additional bodies, most of the cuts wo=
uld likely come from real-time (3), options (2), regional trading (2), logi=
stics (1-2).

For Martin's planning purposes, I need to know something ASAP. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Imai, Rika =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, January 09, 2002 1:44 PM
To:=09Presto, Kevin M.; Will, Lloyd
Subject:=09Martin Lin and Power Fundamentals

Kevin & Lloyd,

As we re-asses the fundamental information needed by the traders, I think t=
hat it is important to actively recruit Martin Lin to the power fundamental=
s group.=20

Martin Lin has developed and continuously improved the current short term a=
nd long-term Interconnect and Ercot models as well as played an important p=
art in bringing fourth advancements with Powerworld. He is the only person =
that has extensive and significant working familiarity with the Ercot power=
system. He is of significant importance if we continue to make any chang=
es or improvements to the current Interconnect and Ercot models. His knowl=
edge extends beyond the process of the flow of electricity and the transmis=
sion of power to include the ability to program in C++ and VBA. In regards=
to Powerworld, he has both academic and practical expertise as well as a t=
echnical understanding of the functionality of the program. He has been lea=
ding the advancements with Powerworld in order to tie in powerworld with th=
e interconnect models as well as utilize powerworld to conduct contingencie=
s analysis and automatic ATC calculations. Another area of expertise is h=
is knowledge of options. He has worked on options models for broadband s=

If you have any questiosns in regards to the impact of his continbutions, p=
lease feel free to contact myself or Steve Benchluch.=20

Thank You

Rika Imai