Enron Mail

Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 13:34:42 -0800 (PST)

Your thoughts?

-----Original Message-----
From:=09Cohagan, Fred
Sent:=09Wed 2/6/2002 12:31 PM
To:=09Presto, Kevin M.

I know things are still pretty dynamic in the new organization, but I am ho=
ping I can speak with you about the possibility of any remaining power trad=
ing positions you might be looking to fill. I know that several people wer=
e not retained in the NE, and my past Enron experience makes me a good cand=
idate to fill a trading role there. I don't know if you remember me from b=
efore, but I spent time in Structuring as the lead Structurer for the UI de=
al, then Jim brought me over to work with Bill Reed and John Suarez on trad=
ing and marketing around the UI position in NEPOOL as well as PJM and NY (w=
hich had not really started trading at the time). You and I never really h=
ad a chance to interact as we had no peaker assets in the regions in which =
I worked. After EPMI I went to EBS, and most recently Jim asked me to go t=
o Singapore as the head of the trading and risk management function for our=
Asia positions. Currently I am working in the estate managing the termina=
ted power book for Racicot.
In early November, when it was only EBS that was on its way to shutting dow=
n, I was in discussions with Dana about re-joining the EPMI team. It sound=
ed as if there was a definite need and Dana seemed eager to bring me back o=
n the team. I realize everything has changed since then, though I am still=
hoping I can fill a need. I have been attempting to sit down with Dana to=
identify current and near term needs, but we have yet to meet up. I want =
to make sure that some random timing issue doesn't negatively impact my pro=
spects of securing a spot, so I am hoping that now maybe I can discuss with=
you any opportunities. If there are not opportunities, then that is valua=
ble feedback as well so that I can appropriately direct my job search post-=
estate. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Fred Cohagan
Director, EWS