Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Books
Date:Wed, 16 Jan 2002 12:11:29 -0800 (PST)

King, Carson, Suarez, Gupta, Broderick, Schiavone, Misra, Wang, and Ballato also need to be able to trade gas (or there equivalent trading books need to be able to trade gas if the above names change).

-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Casey
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 1:32 PM
To: Presto, Kevin M.
Cc: White, Stacey W.
Subject: RE: Books


Currently, we do not have delivery points established for PJM West or Ontario. Will these be primary points or will they be dependent upon another curve?!

Also, I just want to ensure that there have been no revisions to what you previously passed on regarding gas trading - only you and the desk heads (you, Dana, Fletch, Rogers, Harry and Doug). I have set up gas price books already and I am in the process of setting up Gas Daily books (basis and index) for those mentioned. Any additions/deletions/corrections?!

Thanks for the input.

-----Original Message-----
From: Presto, Kevin M.
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 1:19 PM
To: Evans, Casey; White, Stacey W.
Cc: Davis, Mark Dana; Sturm, Fletcher J.; Carson, Mike; Gupta, Gautam; Broderick, Paul J.; Benson, Robert; King, Jeff; Gilbert-smith, Doug
Subject: Books

Please use the next week to clean up our database of delivery locations and regions currently still in Enpower. I would like to start the database clean with only the key hubs listed:

NY Zone J
NY Zone G
NY Zone A
PJM East Hub
PJM West Hub
PJM West
ERCOT South (FP)
ERCOT North (Basis)

Let's use this opportunity to clean up Enpower and start with a truly clean set of books.
Team - Am I missing anthing?

Kevin Presto
Vice President, East Power Trading
Phone: 713-853-5035
Cell: 713-854-3923
Fax: 713-646-8272