Enron Mail |
-----Original Message----- From: Michael McAuliffe <mike@genscape.com<@ENRON Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 1:16 PM To: Presto, Kevin M. Subject: FW: Genscape Kevin, I am having no luck sending this to you to your hotmail account..... Mike McAuliffe -----Original Message----- From: Michael McAuliffe Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 20022:14 PM To: 'kpresto@hotmail.com' Subject: FW: Genscape -----Original Message----- From: Michael McAuliffe Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 20021:50 PM To: 'kpresto@hotmail.com' Subject: Genscape Kevin, Thanks for the return call today. Jess Hewitt returned a call I put into him this morning telling me that you would be the person I should talk to. I am the VP of Sales for Genscape, www.genscape.com << File: http://www.genscape.com/ << , and we have developed a product which collects real time plant output data and sends that information real time to traders primarily in the short term power markets. Our product is currently being used and/or tested at over a dozen top power trading firms in the US, and the response has been fantastic. There are other methods of receiving this information currently, but none of them are as fast and as accurate as the Genscape data, as we have set up proprietary monitors outside of the right of way on over 130 coal and nuke plants (primarily) nationwide and involuntarily capture their output data every minute or so, thus we can alert traders to plant outages or plants coming on or off line in real time. I would like to discuss Genscape with you at your convenience, or if there is someone else inside UBS Enron to talk to please let me know who that person is. I can be reached at 502 583 4315. Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you. Regards, Mike McAuliffe VP Sales and Marketing Genscape, Inc 502 583 4315 mikemc@genscape.com << File: mailto:mikemc@genscape.com <<