Enron Mail

Subject:RE: PIRA's Gas Flash Weekly (01/16/2002)
Date:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:53:10 -0800 (PST)

thanks for the heads up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Herndon, Rogers
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:51 AM
To: Presto, Kevin M.
Subject: FW: PIRA's Gas Flash Weekly (01/16/2002)

Kevin -

You may want to get in touch with PIRA. I think we terminated our clent retainer services and are no longer receiving gas/power updates. Allan's # is 212-686-6808.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Allan Stewart" <astewart@pira.com<@ENRON
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 5:43 AM
To: Herndon, Rogers
Subject: FW: PIRA's Gas Flash Weekly (01/16/2002)




-----Original Message-----
From: PIRA Distribution [mailto:distribution@pira.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 6:26 PM
To: PIRA Natural Gas Retainer Client
Subject: PIRA's Gas Flash Weekly (01/16/2002)
Attached is PIRA's latest "Gas Flash Weekly."
If you have any questions regarding the contents of a PIRA Natural Gas report, please contact: Greg Shuttlesworth (email: greg@pira.com << File: mailto:greg@pira.com << ), Richard Redash (email: rich@pira.com << File: mailto:rich@pira.com << ), Nobu Tarui (email: nobuo@pira.com << File: mailto:nobuo@pira.com << ) or Jane Hsu (email: jane@pira.com << File: mailto:jane@pira.com << ), at (212) 686-6808.
Contact Client Services regarding delivery of your PIRA reports or address changes at (212) 686-6808, email: support@pira.com << File: mailto:support@pira.com << .
You can access all your PIRA reports or search through a report archive by logging in to PIRA Online at www.pira.com << File: http://www.pira.com/ << .
NOTE: Circulation of PIRA reports outside a Client's licensed distribution area is strictly prohibited. Clients that are unsure of their licensed distribution or require an extension of their current license should contact their PIRA sales representative, or email: sales@pira.com << File: mailto:sales@pira.com << .
PIRA Energy Group

- Aga011602.pdf << File: Aga011602.pdf <<