Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Re: Justification for Application/Model Power East Desk User
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 17:39:42 -0700 (PDT)

Deny the request and the requester needs to send a formal request directly to me with solid justification.

-----Original Message-----
From: Meyn, Jim
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 5:22 PM
To: Presto, Kevin M.
Cc: Will, Lloyd
Subject: FW: Re: Justification for Application/Model Power East Desk User
Importance: High

Kevin, here is a request for curve access from Gas Structuring. I'm working with Lloyd to have your name show up in the system for approval when anyone sends in an eRequest for curve access in the future. I'll also highlight names on the current active list that don't sit on the desk or in power structuring for your review. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help manage/review the distribution of curve access.

- Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Solis, Melissa
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 3:21 PM
To: Meyn, Jim
Cc: McMichael Jr., Ed; Irvine, Geraldine
Subject: Re: Justification for Application/Model Power East Desk User
Importance: High

Mr. Meyn,

ARSystems has asked that I provide you with the following justifications for both Tim Coffing (Analyst) and Raitford Smith (Summer Associate).

Raitford Smith - Smith will be with the Gas Commodity Structure Group - ENA as a Summer Associate. This position occasionally will crossover in power related transactions. Access can be terminated upon his departure from Commodity Structuring.

Tim Coffing - Coffing will be with the Gas Commodity Structure Group - ENA for his second Rotation (Analyst). This position occasionally will crossover in power related transactions. Access can be terminated upon his departure from Commodity Structuring.

If you have any questions please call me x35167.

Melissa Solis
Enron North America
W: 713-853-5167
F: 713-646-3460