Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Tariff Strategy Meeting
Date:Tue, 4 Sep 2001 16:58:36 -0700 (PDT)


-----Original Message-----
From: Herndon, Rogers
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 6:44 PM
To: Presto, Kevin M.
Subject: RE: Tariff Strategy Meeting

I would hope not, but I am curious to see what position Dave tries to drive. Only if you have nothing better to do should you feel compelled to come. I will let you know what comes out of it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Presto, Kevin M.
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 6:24 PM
To: Herndon, Rogers
Subject: RE: Tariff Strategy Meeting

As usual, your position is way too logical. Do I need to attend this meeting?

-----Original Message-----
From: Herndon, Rogers
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 6:17 PM
To: Presto, Kevin M.; Lavorato, John; Belden, Tim
Subject: FW: Tariff Strategy Meeting


My position is as follows:

I am trying to narrow the focus on our curve review and maintenance to JUST areas where we have existing positions and possibly areas that are in or near full dereg stages (NE, IL, TX, OH). Currently URM is responsible for virtually every curve and thus knows very little about a whole lot. The proposed reduction would help URM focus on what is important and allow them to "get it right".

I do not think it is necessary nor is it appropriate to offer bundled products until we can determine effective ways to reduce our existing exposure. I do think we can stand ready to adjust this strategy if necessary and on a case by case basis.

I do think we can offer shaped, staggered maturity wholesale products to generally hedge customers in regulated states against directional price movements. I am absolutely against offering anything that looks like the traditional Retail Index Product.

I expect to get a little push back on this approach and also think I will hear that it is necessary to offer bundled products to support DSM. As I said in my last tariff strategy meeting, I would be glad to give URM to Ozzie too. I will be a much better bid for DSM related T/D positions as offsets to current positions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brashier, Cheryl
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 4:41 PM
To: Delainey, David; Dietrich, Janet; Cox, David; Mann, Michael; Pagan, Ozzie; Holmes, Sean; Herndon, Rogers; Richter, Jeff
Cc: Lewis, James; Blachman, Jeremy; Chapman, Kay; Jennifer T Adams/HOU/EES@EES; La Donna Finnels-Neal/HOU/EES@EES; Smith, Paulett; Filer, Beverly; Wolfe, Lisa; Dick, Sharon; Chapman, Christy
Subject: Tariff Strategy Meeting

This will confirm a meeting on the referenced subject tomorrow, Sept. 5th, at 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in EB-872. (Please note the time change from an earlier email.)

Please let me know if you have a conflict.
