Enron Mail

To:/o=enron/ou=na/cn=recipients/cn=notesaddr/cn=a478079f-55e1f3b0-862566fa-612229@enron.com, william.abler@enron.com, anubhav.aggarwal@enron.com, diana.allen@enron.com, harry.arora@enron.com, debra.bailey@enron.com, russell.ballato@enron.com, ted.balli
Subject:FW: FERC to discuss all East proposed RTOs
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:17:12 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolay, Christi L.
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 2:06 PM
To: Herndon, Rogers; Black, Don; Belden, Tim; Presto, Kevin M.; Black, Tamara Jae; Harvey, Claudette; Misra, Narsimha; Meyn, Jim; Aucoin, Berney C. ; Dernehl, Ginger; Muhl, Gil
Subject: FERC to discuss all East proposed RTOs

FERC's agenda for its 10/24/01 meeting includes "Discussion of RTO Developments" for the Northeast, Southeast (of interest, the agenda does not include the GridFlorida docket) and Midwest. The agenda also includes separate docketed items:

-- Reliability, Security and Market Operations
-- Electricity Market Design and Structure

Claudette, TJ and Ginger -- can you please forward to your groups? Thanks.