Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Fantasy Football
Date:Sun, 12 Aug 2001 22:30:39 -0700 (PDT)

I will be back for one more season as long as I can make draft day. I will
need confirmation on the time ASAP. Ty Thanks for Smith. Are you keeping
anyone???Davis???? Anyway, FRANCHISE PLAYERS SUCK!!! and I will see yall at
the draft.

On Fri, 10 Aug 2001 16:58:44 -0600, Anthony Servello wrote:

< dan and i are in...probably bj as well. bj and i are totally against
< franchise players and if we are keeping them then they should be
< announced (as usual) prior to the draft.
< jody...care to join us????
< ty.servello@cs.oag.state.tx.us
< <<< "Kevin" <klyn@pdq.net< 08/10/01 03:53PM <<<
< I sent an E-mail to Deluke and others and was told that the agreed upon
< was Sept 8...mainly due to the previous weekend being Labor Day. I would
< prefer our usual start time around 11 or 12. I have somewhere else to be
< around 5pm or so. We also agreed to divulge franchise players and
< draft order the day of the draft. If anyone has issues...then speak now.
< Later,
< Kevin
< ----- Original Message -----
< From: "Michael Currie" <mcurrie@TCTA.org<
< To: <johnsogc@bp.com<; <michael.deluke@us.pwcglobal.com<;
< <b_sting91@excite.com<; <jeff_smith@afcc.com<; <dutch.quigley@enron.com<;
< <j_andrew_reynolds@yahoo.com<; <kevin.crawford@sfx.com<; <klyn@pdq.net<;
< <dgski@msn.com<; <kejo66@yahoo.com<; <abuse@msn.com<;
< <ckiske@austin.rr.com<; <Kiske-business@austin.rr.com<;
< <Ty.Servello@cs.oag.state.tx.us<
< Cc: <mgoblue1@yahoo.com<
< Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 4:58 PM
< Subject: Fantasy Football
< <
< < Yes that time has come upon us again - fantasy football for the 2001
< season.
< < I'm sure I echo everyone's feelings about the loss of Rick Pearce.
< < been a tough summer because of it. Since Rick took care of much of the
< < Commissioner's duties the past few years, we are in a void. That being
< < said, I want to start this process of keeping our league intact.
< < respond as quickly as possible and let me know your intentions as far
< <
< < (1) playing in the league
< < (2) preference for a draft date (September 1 which is Labor Day
< or
< < September 9)
< < (3) anyone you know who might be interested in joining the league.
< <
< <
< <
< < Thanks
< <
< < Michael Currie
< < Barking Spiders
< <
< < mcurrie@tcta.org
< < mgoblue1@yahoo.com
< <

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