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In today's edition of the Daily Update, Ben Macklin, senior analyst with eMarketer, pulls together data on broadband and gives his view of the lay of the virtual land. Also today, we feature the most popular reports downloaded by our readers during the past week. You can also see the most popular tickers and sectors downloaded by your peers by clicking here: http://www.multexinvestor.com/cs_hot.asp?target=/stocks/companyinformation/analystresearch/whatshot&nd=1228 *************************************************************** You are receiving this mail because you have registered for Multex Investor. To unsubscribe, see bottom of this message. *************************************************************** ======================== Sponsored by ========================= One Lesson You Must Learn From Enron's Demise. Despite the fact that Enron was in financial trouble-falling from $100 to $0.87 a share-most Wall Street analysts STILL rated it as a buy. Turn to a financial service you can trust. It's averaged 23% gains every 10 days, since May: ============================================================== Below -------- - Investment ideas - Broker and third-party research - Online advice and chats - Free and sponsored reports Investment ideas ----------------------------------------- 1. INVESTMENT IDEAS Broadband providers hit the canvas DSL has fumbled the ball and cable has hit the deck, but the ref hasn't counted them out...yet By Ben Macklin, senior analyst, eMarketer It has been a tough year for broadband access providers in the US. On the digital subscriber line (DSL) front, wholesalers Rhythms Net Connections (RTHMQ), North Point and Covad (COVD.OB) hit the canvas. Covad is in the process of getting back on its feet, but its future remains uncertain. On the cable side, Excite@Home recently filed for bankruptcy, and numerous broadband wireless providers including Winstar and Metricom have also dissolved. But what lies ahead for those that survive? While DSL technology has fumbled the ball early in the game and is now unlikely to ever live up to its promise, cable and satellite providers still have a chance to run for daylight. But for the time being, dial-up remains the clear market leader. Indeed, eMarketer predicts continuing growth in the dial-up sector, at least for 2002, even though broadband services will become more widespread. Dial-up will taper off in the following years, but it will still be the most common means of Internet access in the home even as late as 2004. AOL, with its 26 million subscribers (not counting Road Runner) as of September 2001, will continue to dominate the scene. Its nearest competitors, MSN (7 million subscribers), United Online (6.1 million subscribers) and Earthlink (ELNK) (4.9 million subscribers) will battle it out for second place. Even if the largest five ISPs after AOL merged, they would still fail to rival AOL Time Warner (AOL). Click here to read more http://www.multexinvestor.com/article.asp?docid=5389&nd=1228 ======================== Sponsored by ========================= Get 10 FREE issues of Investor's Business Daily. More than just a newspaper, Investor's Business Daily is a unique research tool designed to identify winning stocks with insightful charts and ratings you can't find anywhere else.This offer carries no obligation and there's nothing to cancel. http://ibd.infostreet.com/cgi-bin/freeoffer.cgi?source=A362GGL ============================================================== Broker and third-party reports ----------------------------------------- 1. INVESTORS' CHOICE: 3-DAY FAVORITE The 451 discusses Cisco's (CSCO) new focus on the mobile wireless market. This report examines IP infrastructure spending, the next- gen Internet and network architecture layers, Cisco's strategic alliances and mobile business customer targets, and advanced e-services and content applications. (2-page report for purchase - $5) http://www.multexinvestor.com/download.asp?docid=5676705&nd=1228 2. TODAY'S SPECIAL REPORT Jefferies and Company reports on the latest developments in digital subscriber line technology. Jefferies discusses Sprint's (FON) 2002 DSL deployment strategy, Lucent's (LU) new Stinger platform, Virata's new VoIP chipset, compares recent DSL and cable modem additions, business DSL services, and broader industry issues. (16-page report for purchase - $50) http://www.multexinvestor.com/download.asp?docid=25874163&nd=1228 3. EDITOR'S PICK: CURRENT RESEARCH FROM THE CUTTING EDGE Adams, Harkness & Hill provides a communications technology update. In the report, discussion of the failure of the 1996 Telecom Act, recent industry news, and specific company news on Advanced Fiber (AFCI), CoSine (COSN), Lucent (LU), SeaChange Intl. (SEAC), and Somera (SMRA). (22-page report for purchase - $75) http://www.multexinvestor.com/download.asp?docid=25733831&nd=1228 4. THIRD-PARTY REVIEW Noted independent research firm Motley Fool provides its monthly commentary. TMF discusses the investing mantra "invest in what you know," Ivax (IVX) and the generic pharmaceutical industry, Energy Conversion Devices (ENER), Kenneth Cole Productions (KCP), and its Foolish 8 list for Dec. (24-page report for purchase - $10) http://www.multexinvestor.com/download.asp?docid=25885364&nd=1228 5. WHAT'S HOT? Prudential analyzes November site traffic for major Internet portal and commerce names. Analyst Mark Rowan discusses unique visitors and potential revenue correlation for Amazon.com (AMZN), eBay (EBAY), Yahoo! (YHOO), Homestore.com (HOMS), Expedia (EXPE), Travelocity.com (TVLY), and Priceline.com (PCLN). (4-page report for purchase- $10) http://www.multexinvestor.com/download.asp?docid=25815052&nd=1228 ======================== Sponsored by ========================= It's here! The Multex Investor Toolbar Now you can get broker research, quotes, charts and company information from anywhere on the Web. http://www.athoc.com/wis/activate/activate.asp?pid=10279&mktmsg=JA1 ============================================================== Online advice and chats ----------------------------------------- 1. ASK THE ANALYST Market Edge's Tom Ventresca explains how to profit from "head and shoulders" chart formations. With the aid of an actual chart, Ventresca discusses how the formation develops, how to read the pattern, and how price objectives are determined. Is this a chart strategy worth utilizing? Pose him questions through tonight, Thurs., Dec. 28, 5 PM ET. Ask the analyst. Click here http://www.multexinvestor.com/AskTheAnalystForm.asp?&nd=1228 Register to receive a FREE weekly market commentary and FREE trial! Get unbiased, computer generated BUY-HOLD-SELL opinions on 4,700 stocks and more. No credit card needed. Click here http://www.marketedge.com/multex.asp?Location=3 2. ASK THE EXPERT Insurance.com's Ronald E. Newton discusses life insurance coverage issues brought up by divorce. Newton explains the importance of reviewing insurance coverage in the midst of divorce to protect loved ones should catastrophic events occur. Do you have all the coverage you need? He can take your questions until Thurs., Jan. 10. Ask the expert. http://www.multexinvestor.com/AskTheExpertForm.asp?&nd=1228 Free and sponsored reports ----------------------------------------- 1. FREE RESEARCH REPORT Bear Stearns provides a detailed look at the U.S. supermarket industry. The report includes an industry overview, market share analysis, growth catalysts discussion, consolidation prospects, profiles on the sector's "big three," and more. This 227-page report, which usually sells for $300, is free to members for the next 72 hours. http://www.multexinvestor.com/download.asp?docid=25882012&nd=1228 2. DAILY FREE SPONSOR REPORT Morgan Stanley says restructuring efforts at Procter & Gamble (PG) "insulate it more than its peers." The firm includes its "fair value" recommendation for the stock as well as key investment positives and negatives. You can read this report and others by registering for the firm's free-research trial. http://www.multexinvestor.com/download.asp?docid=21195501&sid=8&nd=1228 =================================================================== Please send your questions and comments to: mailto:investor.help@multex.com If you'd like to learn more about Multex Investor, please visit: http://www.multexinvestor.com/welcome.asp If you can't remember your password and/or your user name, click here: http://www.multexinvestor.com/lostinfo.asp If you want to update your email address, please click on the url below: http://www.multexinvestor.com/edituinfo.asp =================================================================== To remove yourself from the mailing list for the Daily Update, please REPLY to THIS email message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. 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