Enron Mail

To:bill.rapp@enron.com, maria.pavlou@enron.com
Subject:Fw: TW Operational Issues - Conference Call
Date:Sun, 2 Dec 2001 10:50:44 -0800 (PST)

Bill and Maria, please plan on calling in if at all possible. Greg
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

-----Original Message-----
From: Corman, Shelley <Shelley.Corman@ENRON.com<
To: Porter, J. Gregory <greg.porter@ENRON.com<; Brown, William E. <William.E.Brown@ENRON.com<; Blair, Lynn <Lynn.Blair@ENRON.com<; January, Steve <Steve.January@ENRON.com<; Schoolcraft, Darrell <Darrell.Schoolcraft@ENRON.com<; Watson, Kimberly <Kimberly.Watson@ENRON.com<; Dietz, Rick <Rick.Dietz@ENRON.com<; Buchanan, John <John.Buchanan@ENRON.com<
CC: Fossum, Drew <Drew.Fossum@ENRON.com<
Sent: Sun Dec 02 12:40:02 2001
Subject: TW Operational Issues - Conference Call

With the possible inclusion of TW in a bankruptcy petition, we need to put our heads together to discuss the likely operational scenarios.
My concern is that parties with outstanding OBA balances due them will immediately begin to short us gas. I see this happening as follows -- the marketer/producers will nominate/confirm a certain receipt quantity; we'll schedule a corresponding delivery quantity; then the marketer/producers will short us to offset against outstanding OBA balances. If actual receipt flow is below scheduled, then TW can cut the delivery nominations, but without flow control at all points and without any tariff penalties (e.g. OFOs and the like), I don't see TW having any hammer to keep from losing line pack.

A conference call is scheduled for 3 PM CT this afternoon to discuss. The call in number is 877-930-8819 (code 184262#).

Let's discuss the following:
* How realistic is the scenario described above
* Who are the players that are likely to short us (Duke, Williams, etc) and to what extent can they claim that they are entitled to short us to work off the OBA?
* If producer/marketers short us on the receipt side, we can immediately cut deliveries (at least on paper). What is the revenue impact of this (i.e. how much daily revenue is tied up in commodity/volumetric deals).
* And, even if we cut deliveries on paper, to what extent do we have flow control to make this a physical reality?
* Would any emergency FERC help (such as penalty authority) help for the points where we don't have flow control?