Enron Mail

To:gregory.porter@enron.com, bill.rapp@enron.com, maria.pavlou@enron.com
Subject:RE: Meeting - Recent Negotiated Rate Orders & Impact
Date:Tue, 4 Dec 2001 13:17:38 -0800 (PST)

Bill and I had a cc with Frank Kelly and Steve Stojic. I believe that we are all of the opinion that we should file any contracts that materially deviate based on the new definition. We discussed alternatives (there were none) and ways to mitigate exposure and possible exposure. We probably should talk before tomorrow's meeting. I'll get Ann and Sharon to set something up. Dari

-----Original Message-----
From: Porter, J. Gregory
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 2:33 PM
To: Dornan, Dari
Subject: FW: Meeting - Recent Negotiated Rate Orders & Impact

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

-----Original Message-----
From: Call, Josie <Josie.Call@ENRON.com<
To: McCarty, Danny <Danny.McCarty@ENRON.com<; Hartsoe, Joe <Joe.Hartsoe@ENRON.com<; Porter, J. Gregory <greg.porter@ENRON.com<; Neubauer, Dave <Dave.Neubauer@ENRON.com<; Harris, Steven <Steven.Harris@ENRON.com<; Kirk, Steve <Steve.Kirk@ENRON.com<; Miller, Paul <Paul.Miller@ENRON.com<; Miller, Mary Kay <Mary.Kay.Miller@ENRON.com<
CC: Armstrong, Julie <Julie.Armstrong@ENRON.com<; Smith, Ann <Ann.Smith@ENRON.com<; Cappiello, Deborah <Deb.Cappiello@ENRON.com<; Robertson, Audrey <Audrey.Robertson@ENRON.com<; Bischoff, Barbara <Barbara.Bischoff@ENRON.com<; Iske, Linda <Linda.Iske@ENRON.com<
Sent: Tue Dec 04 13:21:31 2001
Subject: FW: Meeting - Recent Negotiated Rate Orders & Impact

A conference bridge has been set up for this call.
Dial-in: 1-877-795-3687
Code: 547874

-----Original Message-----
From: Call, Josie
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:32 AM
To: McCarty, Danny; Hartsoe, Joe; Porter, J. Gregory; Neubauer, Dave; Harris, Steven; Kirk, Steve; Miller, Paul; Miller, Mary Kay
Cc: Smith, Ann; Cappiello, Deborah; Robertson, Audrey; Bischoff, Barbara; Iske, Linda
Subject: Meeting - Recent Negotiated Rate Orders & Impact

A conference call has been scheduled for tomorrow, Dec. 5, at 1:30 pm (Central time) to discuss the above subject.
Omaha participants, please meet in Room 724.
Houston & D.C. participants, we will call you.
If you are not able to participate or have a substitute participate, please let me know.

Josie Call
Rates & Certificates
Fax: 402-398-7006