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------------------------------------------------------ *AT&T Broadband: A Hard Sell *The Cost Of Oil *Swiss Re To WTC: We'll Pay For One *A New Deal On Cipro *Direct Mail: Paying A Price To Reach The People *Wall Street Didn't Buy The Bad Reports *Best Of The Web: Foreign News Coverage ===========================ADVERTISEMENT========================== ================================================================== EXECUTIVE OPPORTUNITIES FROM SPENCERSTUART.COM Receive executive opportunities by e-mail, carefully selected by our search professionals to match your interests and career goals. Join our elite talent network today. http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949223 ================================================================== AT&T BROADBAND: A HARD SELL Given its margins, upgrading issues and customer service, the division isn't as valuable as some think. http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949224 ----------------------------------------------------------------- WEEK IN REVIEW ----------------------------------------------------------------- MONDAY --------- INSURERS MAKE A CLAIM ON TAXPAYERS Insurers stepped up to pay claims from the Sept. 11 attacks. But next time they want help from taxpayers. http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949225 THE COST OF OIL http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949226 WILL PHARMACIA SUFFER FROM ARTHRITIS STUDY? http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949227 TUESDAY --------- SWISS RE TO WTC: WE'LL PAY FOR ONE Swiss Re goes to court to dispute what it owes the lessors and owners of the World Trade Center. http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949228 THE NEW BRISTOL-MYERS http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949229 IAB LOOKS OUT FOR NO. 1 http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949230 WEDNESDAY --------- A NEW DEAL ON CIPRO The government gets Bayer to drop its price for Cipro. But Bayer gets to keep its patent. http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949231 FIXED WIRELESS IS BEYOND FIXING http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949232 EXAMINING XP http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949233 THURSDAY --------- THE HOUSE GETS STIMULATED Everyone wants a stimulus of some kind, but lawmakers remain sharply divided on the details. http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949234 DIRECT MAIL: PAYING A PRICE TO REACH THE PEOPLE http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949235 PRIMEDIA PRIMED FOR BETTER TIMES http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949236 FRIDAY --------- WALL STREET DIDN'T BUY THE BAD REPORTS What motivated traders yesterday? Not the climbling jobless rate. Perhaps it was simple long-term planning. http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949237 PAY CUTS HIT RANK AND FILE http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949238 THE WAR OVER IM http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949239 ----------------------------------------------------------------- BEST OF THE WEB: FOREIGN NEWS COVERAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------- With the focus of the world on Afghanistan and the ongoing war effort, what are people outside of the U.S. thinking? Reading foreign news coverage and about foreign opinion has never been easier thanks to the Web. Forbes Best of the Web can help you find the English language Web sites of many of the world's top papers, from Israel's Ha'aretz to India's Hindustan Times to the South China Morning Post. http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949240 For more than 3,000 investing, personal finance, shopping and collecting site reviews visit us at http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949241 ------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO SUBSCRIBE & UNSUBSCRIBE To SUBSCRIBE to any FORBES.COM newsletter, join us as a member at: http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949242 UNSUBSCRIBING FROM A NEWSLETTER Forbes.com members who selected newsletters when they signed up or on their edit profile page can unsubscribe at: http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949243 If you are not a member, or did not select newsletters on our membership pages, you can UNSUBSCRIBE to this newsletter by simply replying to this message and changing the message's subject heading to "Unsubscribe". To MANAGE all your Forbes.com newsletter accounts or change your delivery address, join us as a member at: http://tm0.com/forbes/sbct.cgi?s=167547968&i=398027&d=1949242 ------------------------------------------------------------------