Enron Mail

Subject:Bonfire Memorial Blood Drive
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 10:47:26 -0800 (PST)

Howdy Ags!!

The two-year remembrance of the Aggie Bonfire collapse is upon us. We still unfortunately have no Bonfire, but there is something we, as Aggies, can get together and do to remember our Bonfire 12.

Off Campus Aggies and The Association of Former Students are sponsoring the second annual Everyone Bleeds Maroon Bonfire Memorial Blood Drive. Now, through this weekend, with the help of The Reveille Club of Houston and many A&M clubs throughout the state and nation, we will remember and honor our 12 fallen Aggies.

As you know, many around the state and country rallied around us at our darkest hour, and this is one little way, even when Bonfire returns, to show our appreciation for the support they gave us at our greatest time of need. It's also a tremendous way to show we will not forget what happened on November 18, 1999. Several of the families have expressed their support for this endeavor, and I think we need to do all we can to show them how much a part of the Aggie family they are, and how strong the Aggie Spirit is, was, and always will be.

The need for blood is a constant battle for blood banks around the country. The holidays are especially critical as donation levels typically fall while the need for donations actually rises. In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, record numbers of Americans turned out to give blood. What many may not know is that the blood collections are only good for a limited amount of time. This week begins the period when many units of blood collected will need to be replaced.

Last year, with very little notice, Aggies rallied to support our cause. We raised more 5,300 units of blood in 200. Our goal for this year is to see 12,000 units of blood donated, and details on all the drives can be found at http://bleedmaroon.tamu.edu. Also, most donation sites have a limited supply of Everyone Bleeds Maroon Bonfire Memorial Blood Drive T-shirts that you will receive in thanks for donating.

Drives will be held on Saturday, November 17 in Angelino County (Lufkin), Dallas, Ft. Worth, Denver (CO), Ft. Hood/Killeen, Houston and surrounding areas, Karnes City, Kingwood, Longview, Marshall, McAllen, and New Braunfels. Drives are going on throughout the week in Austin, Beaumont, TAMU-Galveston, Phoenix (AZ), and into next week in San Antonio and Nacogdoches County. Phoenix has challenged alumni in their area from all Big 12 schools to donate as a sort of friendly competition.

Here on the Texas A&M University campus, you can donate at the Commons, Rudder, the Rec Center, Bush Academic Building, Duncan, Zachary, Vet School, Bio-Bio, Sbisa, and Wehner.

Even if you can't make it out on the specific day to the specific place you can still get in touch with the blood bank in your area and ask to donate in the name of Everyone Bleeds Maroon.

If you gave in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks you can still safely be a part of this event. Please pass this on and help spread the word. We hope everyone will take the time to get out and give this week, and do their part in remembering the fallen of Nov. 18, 1999 as well as those no longer with us as of Sept. 11, 2001.

This is for Miranda, Jerry, Bryan, Tim, Jamie, Michael, Jeremy, Christopher B., Chris H., Lucas, Chad, Nathan, and all of the injured. We'll never forget.

Thanks, Gig 'Em, and God Bless America.

Scott Blackwell '00
Chair, Everyone Bleeds Maroon
Off Campus Aggies