Enron Mail

Subject:Enron Houston Announcement
Date:Thu, 27 Sep 2001 19:35:16 -0700 (PDT)

In preparation for the new Travel Center that will coincide with the opening of Enron Center South, Travel Agency in the Park (TAP) will be consolidating its two Enron locations. Effective Friday, September 28, 2001 the 3 Allen Center office will be closing. If you currently pick up tickets and/or e-ticket receipts in 3 Allen Center, Suite 150, beginning on October 1, 2001 please pick up your tickets at the TAP location on the third floor in the Enron Building.

Sam Zeidan and David Lewis will still be available for all of your visa and passport needs. Leslie Speck will also continue to serve as the Customer Service Manager for Enron.

Their new telephone numbers are as follows.

Sam Zeidan and Leslie Speck - 713-860-1100
David Lewis - 713-853-4801

Thank you for your patience during this short transition. Please be assured that you will still receive the same exceptional ticketing, visa and customer service you have received in the past.