Enron Mail

Subject:Welcome to the Texas Military Forces Museum EzBoard Online
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 07:10:33 -0800 (PST)

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Congratulations jreitme2!

You are now a registered member of the Texas Military Forces Museum
ezboard Online Community

Here is LOCAL account information*:
Login Name: jreitme2
Password: aggieswin

As a local user, your account will ONLY work on this particular ezboard.
You may use the following link to get there:http://pub6.ezboard.com/btexasmilitaryforcesmuseum

As a registered ezboard user, we invite you to join our Community
Supported Communities (CSC) program. CSC is a low cost way in which
you can support your communities and ezboard.

In return for your support we'd like to give you a personal no-ad
account - no ezboard-sponsored advertisements wherever you go on
the site. We'll also give you a unique Community Supporter icon,
and enhanced customer service. At only $7 for six months, this is
your opportunity to show the world how much your communities mean
to you by becoming a CSC member.
To learn more, please visit our CSC info page here:
*Please keep this email for your files, as it contains your account information