Enron Mail

Subject:Financial True ups
Date:Tue, 10 Jul 2001 11:01:51 -0700 (PDT)


Here is the way I think of what days have financial true ups:

Whatever final report date you have take the prior calc day --that is what is being trued up.
the only catch to this rule of thumb is weekends and holidays
in general mondays final follows the rule of thumb as it includes true ups for friday,
Tuesdays final is the only exception as it has true ups for sat, sun, mon.

eg) on tuesday morning you get final for monday which would have true ups for friday --- to keep things straight only look at the date on the final report each day and
apply the rule of thumb to that date.

Think of holidays as mini weekends and apply the same logic as above.
if for example Tuesday was a holiday then Wednesdays final would have true ups for Monday
and Thursdays final would have true ups for Tuesday and Wednesday.

The key is to only look at the final date on the report and not worry about the current date.

Hope that helps.
