Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Mom's b-day
Date:Wed, 30 Aug 2000 05:00:00 -0700 (PDT)

I'll take your Visa. Just let me know when you've mailed it. You have a
Platinum card, right?


"Paul Rodrigue" <paul.rodrigue@trin.net< on 08/30/2000 08:46:28 AM
To: Robin.Rodrigue@enron.com
Subject: Re: Mom's b-day

It's nice to know I have good tastes. I think I did a good job picking out
both b-day presents. Do you want me to mail a check or do you take Visa?

I decided to let you use them. It's too hot up here to use them. Maybe if it
ever rains. If you like them, I got them at a store up here for a really good
price, but you probably have such places down there too. You won't become a
golf junkie after you find out how much they want to actually let you play
golf on one of those nice green courses. It's a little more than the driving

Glad to hear that you're really not a vampire.

My company was named one of the 100 Best managed manufacturing companies by
Industry Week. It's been a real joke around here. We're not sure what they
were smoking when they made that decision. (Note the irony in using company
email to say this...BTW...I have an interview with Arthur Anderson on the 8th)

<<< <Robin.Rodrigue@enron.com< 8/30/2000 8:21:45 AM <<<

You got her a $100 gift certificate to Talbot's (a women's clothing store).
You did a very good job picking it out.

Thanks for the golf clubs by the way. I thought you weren't going to send
them, so I was surprised when Karon told me she had them. I'll hold them
for ransom until I get paid back for the birthdays!! I actually went to
the driving range this weekend. I definitely think I could get hooked on
this sport. Hopefully I won't become one of the "golf junkies" but I'm not
sure you can avoid it. I was watching a golf infomercial the other day
thinking "I need that!"

Well back to work. Did I tell you I'm working daylight hours again?

Talk to ya later,