Enron Mail

Subject:Update on Enron Sales Process
Date:Mon, 16 Oct 2000 08:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT on 10/16/2000
03:09 PM ---------------------------

"Michael P Cazaubon" <mcazaubon@peco-energy.com< on 10/16/2000 02:55:56 PM
To: jinsung.myung@enron.com, don.miller@enron.com
cc: benjamin.rogers@enron.com, "Charles P Lewis" <clewis@peco-energy.com<,
mcunning@pwrteam.com, "David L Stewart" <u000dls@peco-energy.com<, "Michael J
Ricciardi" <mricciardi@peco-energy.com<, "Fred M Valentino"
Subject: Update on Enron Sales Process

Jinsung and Don,

We are continuing to have difficulties accessing data from DealBench. The
response times from PECO, PricewaterhouseCoopers and other high speed
internet connections have been very slow (sometimes 5 minutes or more to
retrieve a single 10-15 page text document). It would help us greatly in
our due diligence efforts if this material could be made available on CD
ROM as has often been done with other deals we have been involved with.
Please advise if this is possible and if so, when the CD's would be

Mike Cazaubon
----- Forwarded by Michael P Cazaubon/Pecon/Genco on 10/16/2000 03:49 PM

Charles P
Lewis To: Michael P
10/16/2000 Subject: Update on Enron Sales
03:22 PM

----- Forwarded by Charles P Lewis/Pecon/Genco on 10/16/00 03:31 PM -----

"Modi, Rishi"
<rishi.modi@c To: "'clewis@peco-energy.com'"
sfb.com< cc:
Subject: Update on Enron Sales
02:10 PM

The following is an update on Enron's sales process, including several
additions to DealBench.

1. The Purchase and Sale Agreement ("PSA") for each asset has now been
posted to DealBench under the New Document section. Please review the
instructions attached to each PSA.

2. The Management Presentations (with audio) have now been posted to
DealBench under the Management Presentation(strikethrough: s) section.
When attempting to view the presentation, please log onto DealBench using
Microsoft Internet Explorer. Once in DealBench, you will most likely need
to download "Flash Player" (free download). You can do this by clicking
"Macromedia Flash Player download center" in the Linked Documents section
of DealBench. The download usually takes less than 30 seconds. After the
download, return to the Management Presentation section of DealBench and
click on the Management Presentation (with audio). A power point
presentation has also been included in the Management Presentation section
of DealBench. A detailed instruction guide "Instruction for Viewing
Management Presentation" has been posted in New Document section of

3. Please be sure to consistently review the New Documents section on
DealBench for any new documents that have been added to DealBench. Also, a
running black line Due Diligence Index is posted in the Due Diligence Index
/ Plant Pictures section of DealBench.

4. Any drawings or CDs that you need from the Due Diligence Indices may be
requested by sending an email to don.miller@enron.com or jhoff2@enron.com.

5. Any problems or issues that you may be encountering need to be
directed to Jinsung Myung at 713-853-7330.

6. We are prepared to schedule Q&A sessions. Please contact Don Miller at


Don Miller

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