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Subject:Active.com Weekly: Take it easy when ill; Avoid stress
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 16:48:17 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] ActiveSportsMecca Training Bible | ActiveAdvantage | Acti=
veSportsMecca [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09=09=09
=09=09 Welcome to the weekly newsletter from Active.com, the world's most =
comprehensive portal for athletes of all levels. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] Click Here!Save $20 at Road Runner Sports [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] In this issue: [IMAGE] Not feeling well? That may mean stay home [IMAG=
E] New! Holiday Gift Guide [IMAGE] Weight training for stronger mountain b=
iking [IMAGE] Stress kills, even at the home office ... and more. [=
belief, exercising when sick will not make you better. Depending on what ai=
ls you, it could have serious consequences. Generally speaking, avoid exerc=
ise with a fever and light illnesses mean light workouts. [IMAGE]Check it =
out at http://www.active.com/story.cfm?story_id=3D8251&sidebar=3D17&categor=
y=3Dactiveusahomepage FROM OUR PARTNERS Ultima Cold enough to see =
your breath when you exercise? That's a visible sign of de-hydration! You =
don't sweat as much when things cool off, but you still need fluids along w=
ith electrolytes, minerals and nutrients for peak performance and fast reco=
very. The world's great marathons put Ultima Replenisher on the course beca=
use it's the most efficient way to fight de-hydration. ORDER NOW AND GET A=
BELL RUN FOR ARTHRITIS 5K-DENVER, CO, Dec. 6, 2001 Get the holiday spirit=
in the mile-high city. [IMAGE]http://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?even=
t_id=3D977494 MERCEDES MARATHON and HALF MARATHON, Feb. 10, 2002 This i=
naugural race in downtown Birmingham, Ala., is a Boston qualifier [IMAGE]h=
ttp://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=3D948462 VALLEY OF THE SU=
N MARATHON, March 10, 2002 Get away from the cold weather at this Phoenix,=
Ariz., marathon [IMAGE]http://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=3D=
962422 COUNTRY MUSIC MARATHON and HALF MARATHON, April 27, 2002 Do some=
two-stepping and run the streets of the Music City in Nashville, Tenn. [I=
MAGE]http://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=3D960848 [IMAGE] C=
HECK OUT ACTIVE'S HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE! The holidays are around the corner. C=
heck out our new Holiday Gift Guide, with great gear for the athlete in you=
r life, from sunglasses to stationary bikes, to wetsuits, sports watches an=
d more! [IMAGE]http://www.active.com/holidaygiftguide/ WEIGHTS ADD ST=
RENGTH TO YOUR MOUNTAIN BIKING ENDURANCE Mountain biking requires strength,=
endurance and power. Weight training can help you ride your best when you =
decide to hit the trails. [IMAGE]http://www.active.com/story.cfm?story_id=
=3D8253&sidebar=3D17&category=3Dactiveusahomepage WORK FROM HOME? STRES=
S CAN FIND YOU THERE, TOO Working from home is the ideal situation for some=
people. But be careful as the stresses of the workplace can also find you =
at home. Time management is key to handling the load. [IMAGE]http://www.ac=
tive.com/story.cfm?story_id=3D8248&sidebar=3D576&category=3Dhealthclub =
ACTIVE RADIO: LISTEN IN! Active Radio is the hottest thing on the cyber air=
waves for those interested in an active lifestyle. Check it out, each Wedne=
sday at noon Pacific time. [IMAGE]http://www.active.com/community/activera=
dio/ TURKEY TROTS: A THANKSGIVING TRADITION Doing a Thanksgiving Day ru=
n is almost as much a part of the holiday as cranberry sauce. All over the =
country, you can find 5Ks, 10Ks and more to justify your Turkey Day food fe=
st and often help a good cause. On our "Turkey Trots" page, you can registe=
r for scores of races online! [IMAGE]http://www.active.com/turkey/ CHEC=
K INTO THE HEALTH CLUB! Our "Health Club" section is continually updated wi=
th all the latest news and information on wellness, nutrition and fitness -=
- everything you need to know to maintain a healthy lifestyle. [IMAGE]http=
://www.active.com/healthclub/ Stay fit, Your friends at Active.com =

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