Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Important Notice Regarding MISO Generator Interconnection
Date:Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:25:39 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: "Andrew Heinle" <aheinle@midwestiso.org<@ENRON
X-To: oasis_information@lists.midwestiso.org
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Andrew Heinle
Tariff Administrator
Midwest ISO

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Joe Gardner
< Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 6:17 PM
< To: Andrew Heinle
< Subject: FW: Important Notice Regarding MISO Generator
< Interconnection Agreements
< Joe Gardner
< Midwest ISO
< 701 City Center Drive
< Carmel, Indiana 46032
< Phone: 317-249-5446
< Pager: 317-394-4293
< e-mail: jgardner@midwestiso.org
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Jeff Webb
< Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 5:33 PM
< To: Misotransowner (E-mail); Miso_Update (E-mail); PSG Exploder
< (E-mail)
< Cc: Joe Gardner; *Operations Directors
< Subject: Important Notice Regarding MISO Generator
< Interconnection Agreements
< The Midwest ISO has modified the process of transition from
< Interconnection and Operating Agreements that are in negotiation to
< the Midwest ISO Interconnection and Operating Agreement. The new
< process is described in the attached and will be posted to the MISO
< web page and OASIS.
< <<Update to Int transitions.doc<<
< Jeffrey R. Webb
< Director of Planning
< Midwest ISO
< 317-249-5412
- Update to Int transitions.doc