Enron Mail

Subject:Next NYMOC 2 Weeks from Now: March 12 - 15
Date:Wed, 27 Feb 2002 03:32:39 -0800 (PST)


The next NYMOC (New York's Market Orientation Course) will be run on March
12 - 15 (Tuesday through Friday) at the Desmond in Albany.

This program addresses the rules and methods for dealing most effectively

within New York's electric marketplace. If you're new to our market,

NYMOC's the best way to get up to speed. It's also an excellent means for

catching up on the latest changes.

Details on the program can be found on our web site at:


Please call Debbie Doyle at (518) 356-6274 (or send an eMail to


if you have any questions over program reservations.

If you have any questions on the course, give me a call at (518)356-6111.

Hope to see you there.

Art Storey - NYISO Manager Training and Development

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