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Subject:Special Investment Report - LQDX
Date:Sun, 18 Nov 2001 17:26:14 -0800 (PST)

From NYTimes.com ? A Special Investment Report From StockTopics.com* =

[IMAGE]Aggressive Growth! Strong Buy Recommendation! =09

Over the last six months investors who have followed our recommendations=
have realized an average return of 78% on their money. =09

[IMAGE] OTC:BB Ticker: LQDX Rating: Strong Buy =09 Shares Outstanding:=
10,700,000 Float (estimate): 2,900,000 Current Price: $2.08 12 Month=
Target Price: $16.80 =09

Our current recommendation is: Liquidix Inc. (OTC BB: LQDX) S=
mart investors understand that companies with government and military app=
lications are especially attractive in times of global instability. Our=
current recommendation, LIQUIDIX, INC. of Arizona (OTC BB: LQDX), has pos=
itioned itself as the leading competitor in the high-tech industrial manuf=
acturing industry with its customizable array of magnetic fluid vacuum sea=
ls. NASA, Honeywell, ADM, Intel, have already used the vacuum seals cre=
ated by Liquidix. These products benefit such important technologies as na=
vigational gyros, infrared detectors, heat-seeking missiles, laser sightin=
g and night-vision equipment. =09

ABOUT THE COMPANY LIQUIDIX, INC. recently purchased Advanced Flui=
d Systems, a company based in the United Kingdom, strategically increasing=
its marketshare and making Liquidix competitive in the global market. =
Liquidix has signed contracts with several Military/Government Agencies a=
nd U.S. National Laboratories, including NASA, which have produced signifi=
cant growth in the company. Liquidix is one of only three companies i=
n the world to produce magnetic fluid vacuum seals and it's the only one t=
hat is traded publicly in the United States. Because costs in this industr=
y are very similar between companies, Liquidix has studied and surpassed i=
ts competition in delivery time. Liquidix can deliver the same product to =
its destination in 1/4 the time of its nearest competitor, making them esp=
ecially desirable for companies who must meet an increasing demand for mag=
netic fluid vacuum seals. Liquidix has conservatively estimated that t=
heir gross revenues for 2002 will increase more than 40% over 2001, and by=
2003 will increase another 110%. Through strategic mergers and acquisitio=
ns Liquidix also estimates that their profit margins for 2002 will increas=
e by 60% over 2001, and by 2003 will increase another 200%. REASONS T=
O OWN THE STOCK 1. Liquidix provides magnetic fluid vacuum seals for g=
overnment and military applications that are in higher demand due to incre=
asing military activity in the U.S. 2. Liquidix, through strategic =
alliances and acquisitions, has established itself as the leader of an ind=
ustry that is projected to earn more than $4.5 billion dollars by 2002. =
3. Liquidix provides products to industry giants such as NASA, HONEYWE=
LL, INTEL, and ADM, virtually guaranteeing the growth of this strong comp=
any. 4. Liquidix aggressive and strategic acquisition of companies l=
ike Advanced Fluid Systems demonstrates a strong vision for the future and=
positions them as a world leader in magnetic fluid technology. 5. Liq=
uidix is one of only three companies in the world to produce magnetic flui=
d vacuum seals and it is the only one that is traded publicly in the U.S.=
6. Facilities owned and operated by Liquidix in the United States a=
nd Europe have given the company a foothold on both sides of the Atlantic,=
with opportunities to break into additional international markets. Wall =
Street Alert is brought to you by StockTopics.com =09

DISCLAIMER: This report contains forward-looking statements. Past perform=
ance does not guarantee future results. This report is based on WSA, indepe=
ndent analysis, and may, or may not be the opinion of Wall Street Alert, bu=
t also relies on information supplied by sources believed to be reasonable.=
WSA has been retained by Liquidix, Inc., and has received 250,000 restric=
ted shares of stock and $100,000. Internet Marketing Solutions, Inc. and/o=
r individuals thereof may have positions in securities referred to herein a=
nd may make purchases or sales at any time. The information contained in th=
is report is for information purposes only. And should not be construed as=
an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. Investors should co=
nsult with an investment professional before investing any monies period. =

*The above report is a paid advertisement from StockTopics.com. About Thi=
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occasional e-mail with special offers from our advertisers. As a member of=
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sit http://www.nytimes.com/unsubscribe . Suggestions and feedback are welco=
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