Enron Mail

Subject:Special offer for AOL Instant Messenger Members
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 07:46:55 -0800 (PST)

=09 =09[IMAGE]=09
=09 Dear bendover1971, Here's a special offer for AOL Instant Messenger (=
) members only. [IMAGE] Be one of the first to try All-New AOL 7.0 and ge=
t 1000 Hours Free for 45 days! [IMAGE] Here are just a few great reasons =
to try All-New AOL 7.0 for 1000 Hours Free for 45 days:[IMAGE] Built-in=
high speed broadband content Advanced E-mail and Instant Messaging Lo=
cal news and information AOL Radio -- your favorite local radio stations=
online! Exclusive AOL members only perks like the opportunity to get ho=
t concert tickets before they go on sale and sneak peaks at blockbuster mov=
ies [IMAGE] Plus, you can keep your AIM Screen Name and get E-mail at b=
endover1971 @aol.com. [IMAGE] Try All-New AOL 7.0 now for 1,000 Hours FRE=
E for 45 days -- risk free! No credit card required! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] All=
en Paine New Member Welcome Team P.S. - There's never been a better time =
to try AOL. Get All-New AOL 7.0 for 1000 Hours Free for 45 days! [IMAGE] =
And, tell your AIM buddies about this special offer -- just forward this sp=
ecial message to them! =09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09

[IMAGE]1000 hour free trial must be used within 45 days of initial sign-on=
. To avoid being charged a monthly fee, simply cancel before trial period e=
nds. Premium services carry surcharges, and communication surcharges may ap=
ply in certain areas including AK, even during trial time. Members may incu=
r telephone charges on their phone bill, depending on location and calling =
plan, even during trial time. Offer is available to new members in the US, =
age 18 or older, and a major credit card or checking account is required. I=
MPORTANT: You have registered to receive America Online through the "bring =
your own access" plan. This means that you MUST access America Online via y=
our own Internet access provider. This plan provides two FREE hours of conn=
ecting directly to America Online per month. If you access America Online w=
ithout first connecting to your Internet access provider, you will incur an=
alternate carrier surcharge of $2.95 per hour after your FREE connect t! i=
me. Information for AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) registrants: You received =
this E-mail based on your expressed interest in products and services offer=
ed by America Online, Inc. If you do not wish to receive any additional AIM=
promotions via E-mail, simply click here . You only need to send a blank E=
-mail to unsubscribe. =09