Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:51:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Press Release
X-To: All Enron Worldwide
X-Folder: \Benjamin_Rogers_Dec2000_2\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
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HOUSTON - Enron Corp. hosted its annual equity analyst conference today in=
Houston. Ken Lay, Enron chairman and chief executive officer, opened the=
conference by highlighting Enron=01,s tremendous growth across all business=
and the outstanding 700 percent return to shareholders over the past decade=
Enron presented key objectives for 2000:
? Continued strong growth in the core Wholesale Energy businesses.
? Break-out performance from Retail Energy Services.
? Rapid development of Enron Broadband Services.

Enron=01,s ability to extend core skills and competencies to new markets wa=
s a=20
recurring theme throughout the day.

Wholesale Energy Business
Growth prospects remain strong for Wholesale Energy Operations and Services=
Enron=01,s largest business. Wholesale energy growth in North America is=
expected to be driven by the continuing deregulation of power markets in th=
United States and large-scale energy outsourcing by utilities and large=20
energy consumers. Enron expects to continue to broaden its early lead acro=
the European continent as markets quickly open to competition. Finally,=20
Enron is rapidly expanding its wholesale presence in other markets such as=
Japan, where large customers will be permitted to choose their electricity=
provider in March 2000.
EnronOnline will provide additional wholesale growth as incremental sales a=
generated through this innovative, Internet-based transaction system. Over=
450 customers around the world have used EnronOnline and over 10,000=20
transactions have been completed since its introduction in late November=20
1999. Yesterday, EnronOnline transaction levels reached a new record with=
over 700 transactions, representing a notional value of $250 million. =20
Transaction processing costs with EnronOnline are significantly lower than=
costs associated with traditional transaction methods.
Enron=01,s Gas Pipeline Group is also well positioned to continue growing, =
expansions planned or underway on several of its systems.

Retail Energy Services
With over 16,500 facilities under management, the infrastructure is in plac=
to service customers worldwide. As the strong contracting momentum=20
continues, Enron Energy Services is poised to rapidly increase earnings in=
2000. Enron Energy Services=01, goal for 2000 is to sign new contracts=20
representing $16 billion in future expenditures by customers for energy and=
energy services, nearly double the level in 1999.

Enron Broadband Services
The new name of Enron=01,s communications business, Enron Broadband Service=
reflects its role in the very fast growing market for premium broadband=20
services. Enron is deploying an open, flexible global broadband network=20
controlled by software intelligence, which precludes the need to invest in =
traditional point-to-point fiber network. This Enron Intelligent Network i=
widely interconnected to both other wholesale bandwidth carriers and to=20
Internet service providers, thus providing the platform for two new Enron=
business centers, bandwidth intermediation and broadband content delivery.
A direct transfer of Enron=01,s core market making and risk management skil=
from its energy businesses, bandwidth intermediation will provide=20
capacity-holders a vast array of alternatives for flexible, low cost=20
capacity. Enron will also provide premium broadband content services, such=
as high-quality video-streaming and large broadband file transfer, with=20
differentiated levels of quality in a usage-based business model.
As announced in a separate release, Enron also reached an agreement with Su=
Microsystems that provides for accelerated development of broadband Interne=
Enron is one of the world=01,s leading electricity, natural gas and=20
communications companies. The company, which owns approximately $34 billio=
in energy and communications assets, produces electricity and natural gas,=
develops, constructs and operates energy facilities worldwide, delivers=20
physical commodities and financial and risk management services to customer=
around the world, and is developing an intelligent network platform to=20
facilitate online business. Enron=01,s Internet address is www.enron.com, =
the stock is traded under the ticker symbol, =01&ENE.=018
This press release includes forward looking statements within the meaning o=
Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities=
Exchange Act of 1934. Although Enron believes that its expectations are bas=
on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its goals will be=
achieved. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ=20
materially from those in the forward looking statements herein include=20
political developments in foreign countries, the ability to penetrate new=
wholesale and retail natural gas, electricity and broadband services market=
including the energy outsource market, in the United States and Europe, the=
timing and extent of changes in prices for crude oil, natural gas,=20
electricity and those relating to broadband services and content, the timin=
and effect of changes in interest rates, the timing and success of Enron=01=
efforts to develop domestic and international power, pipeline,=20
communications, internet-related and other infrastructure projects, and=20
conditions of the capital markets and equity markets during the periods=20
covered by the forward looking statements.