Enron Mail

To:jason.wiesepape@enron.com, benjamin.rogers@enron.com,michael.danielson@enron.com, clay.spears@enron.com
Subject:Enron Training Ride & Bluebonnet Express
Date:Fri, 17 Mar 2000 07:44:00 -0800 (PST)

Jason said you guys might show for the Sun ride - I'm doing the 50 miles -=
but you could do 40 or 62. Maybe I'll see you there??

X 3 0390
---------------------- Forwarded by Claire Broido/HOU/ECT on 03/17/2000 03:=
PM ---------------------------

Amelia Alder@ENRON
03/14/2000 06:50 PM
To: Amelia Alder/OTS/Enron@ENRON
cc: (bcc: Claire Broido/HOU/ECT)
Subject: Enron Training Ride & Bluebonnet Express

Enron Training Ride - March 18
Bluebonnet Express - March 19

The 3rd ride of Dan Lyons' four-ride training series leading up to the MS15=
will be Saturday, March 18, as described below, along with subsequent rides=
in the series. The terrain will range from what Dan considers to be light=
hills, through moderately hilly to hilly, and the traffic on each ride will=
be light to moderate. The rides will not be sagged (although each of the=
rides will have stores at various distances) and riders should come prepare=
with water, food and the equipment necessary to repair flat tires. The goa=
will be to ride these rides at a pace between 14-16MPH and to get in a litt=
hill work before the MS150. Although prior commitment is not a requirement=
Dan would appreciate some kind of a head count, so if you plan on doing one=
or more of these rides, please email him at dan.lyons@enron.com or leave hi=
a voice mail at (713) 853-1648. All rides will leave promptly at 8:00 a.m.=
so be sure to arrive in time to be ready for a wheels up departure at 8:00=
a.m.. Look for Dan in his electric blue Explorer of ancient vintage.

Saturday - March 18. This ride will start from Magnolia Jr. High School in=
Magnolia on FM 1774 just south of FM 1488. This ride will go north to=20
Plantersville, do a loop to the west and then come back via Dobbin. This i=
a moderately hilly ride. Mileage; low 50=01,s.

March 25. This ride will start from Royal Jr. High School in Pattison abou=
three miles north of Brookshire off of either FM 359 or FM 362. This is a=
moderately hilly ride that goes up through Burleigh and Racoon Bend to=20
Belville and back by way of FM 529 and FM 359. Mileage; low 60's.

April 8. This ride will leave from the Tomball middle school on FM 2920 in=
downtown Tomball about a mile east of the intersection of FM 249 and FM=20
2920. This is a hilly ride. It will go north through Egypt and Honea up t=
Montgomery and then north and west to Richards in Grimes County via the Sam=
Houston National Forest. It will then loop west and south coming back via=
Dacus and Dobbin. This century will get you ready for the big ride.

"Hope to see you," says Dan.=20

Sunday - March 19 - the Bluebonnet Express - please see attached for more=
details, and if you're not registered, it's too late to register online, bu=
you can do so by fax or you can sign up the day of the ride. Please join u=
for this fantastic ride - We usually have lots of Enron riders, and it's a=
very important training ride for the MS150 conditioning.