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From: "Chet Daulat" <csdaulat@hotmail.com<
To: toothdoccd@aol.com CC: dgioffre@hotmail.com Subject: Fwd: FW: few pics Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 15:59:19 EST <From: "amol shah" <amol70@hotmail.com< <To: SBARN0516@aol.com, dmw75@aol.com, BMW1LT@aol.com, aptucker@hotmail.com, <glandon1@hotmail.com, malu20@hotmail.com, abatra0671@aol.com, <adharia@pol.net, arzink@hotmail.com, andy.smith@capitalone.com, <andybako@aol.com, csdaulat@hotmail.com, clint@tir.com, <seouldave@hotmail.com, IEWhit@msn.com, hbd_99@yahoo.com, <bewaretheidesofmarch@yahoo.com, johnhuffman@cs.com, <kmduckworth@hotmail.com, rufus828@gateway.net, <kurtis.erickson@indsys.ge.com, leeflem@aol.com, tgarner376@aol.com, <mahoney@idsmail.com, MykePM@aol.com, nchitalia@awarena.com, <samsong@medisun.ucsfresno.edu, shansam@erols.com, vineshdharia@yahoo.com <Subject: Fwd: FW: few pics <Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 11:45:38 KST < < < <- <<< <<< <<< < <A little old lady, well into her eighties, slowly enters the front <<<door <<< < <of <<< < <an <<< < <erotic sex shop. Obviously very unstable on her feet, she shakily <<< < <hobbles <<< < <the <<< < <few feet across the store to the counter. Finally arriving at the <<< < <counter <<< < <and <<< < <grabbing it for support, she asks the sales clerk: "Ddddooo youuuu <<< < <hhhave <<< < <ddddildosss?" <<< < < <<< < <The clerk, politely trying not to burst out laughing, replies: "Yes <<<we <<< < <do <<< < <have <<< < <dildos. Actually we carry many models." <<< < < <<< < <The old woman then asks: Dddddoooo yyyouuuu hhhave aaa pppinkk one, <<< < <tttenn <<< < <inchessss lllong aaandd aabboutt tttwoo inchesss thththiiickkk?" <<< < < <<< < <The clerk responds, "Yes we do". <<< < < <<< < <"Ccccccannnn yyyyouuuu tttelll mmmmeeee howwww ttttoooo ttturrrnnn <<<ttthe <<< < < <<< < <ffuucccckkkkinggg ttthingggg offffff?" <<< < < <<< < < <<< < <<< < ______________________________________________________ <<< < Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com <<Toabad.jpg<< <<< < <<Hand_Lotion_1.jpg<< <<milking.jpg<< <<pay back time.gif<< <<< < <<THREESOM.jpg<< <<Fairy Godmother.jpg<< ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com - Toabad.jpg - Hand_Lotion_1.jpg - milking.jpg - pay back time.gif - THREESOM.jpg - Fairy Godmother.jpg