Enron Mail

To:christopher.calger@enron.com, winston.cheng@enron.com,elliot.mainzer@enron.com, thomas.suffield@enron.com, tom.halliburton@enron.com, benjamin.rogers@enron.com, jinsung.myung@enron.com
Date:Fri, 12 May 2000 11:35:00 -0700 (PDT)

I have scheduled a call at 10:00 Houston time on Monday to talk with ICF
about a new curve for LV, Pastoria, Louisiana, Florida and Missouri. They
have said that they can get a preliminary curve to us within 3-5 days with a
full market study to follow. For this, they have ask for $95M. They usually
charge $37,500 per region, and usually give us a 12% discount for a total of
$33,000. So in their minds, they are shaving off $70M from the standard
discounted price.

Let's talk before the call if at all possible. We need to be in a position to
give them the go ahead on Monday, if we are comfortable with the proposal.
Otherwise, we risk not getting the results until the following week.

