Enron Mail |
Is available: Monday, October 16 =01) Friday, October 27, 2000
Click here to begin survey:=20 http://nahou-wwetc01t/wi/p0048137/i.asp?r=3D3865&s=3DNDMVPYST =20 There are a few things we want you to remember about =01&The Pulse:=018 1. Your survey responses will be confidential. 2. We will respond actively to your comments. We are going to do our best = to=20 cure some of the current problems that exist and put into action preventati= ve=20 processes that will help identify smaller problems before they become major= =20 ones. We may ask for your help in resolving some of the issues that are=20 collected in the survey - your active role will help us identify the best= =20 solutions. In last year's survey, you identified several problem areas regarding=20 internal communications and we've already acted on many of your=20 recommendations. These are a few of the things we've accomplished or are= =20 working on in direct response to your input: 1. Require all executives (VP and above) to attend the Executive Impact &= =20 Influence course, which is a 360-degree program designed to improve=20 leadership and communication skills. By year-end, more than 90 percent wil= l=20 have attended this course, with the remaining 10 percent to be trained in t= he=20 first quarter of 2001. 2. Offer all employees online communication courses. These courses will be= =20 available in the first quarter of 2001. 3. Improve our online communication tools, beginning in the fourth quarter,= =20 2000: w Simplify and standardize Enron directories w Educate all employees about the availability and usage of IT tools. w Promote intelligent/responsible use of email. 4. Introduce Participation & Dissent (P&D) sessions to provide a vehicle fo= r=20 solving problems, addressing issues and developing new opportunities. This= =20 application will launch in the first quarter of 2001 in the ThinkBank on=20 eThink. So take a few minutes to check your pulse and tell us what you think and ho= w=20 you feel about your job and about Enron.