Enron Mail

Subject:Junior Achievement
Date:Fri, 29 Sep 2000 03:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

Junior Achievement (JA) is seeking Enron employees to serve as JA=20
consultants! Join more than 6,000 volunteers from hundreds of Houston=20
companies who have made a difference. As a Junior Achievement consultant, y=
become a role model who shows students how to achieve personal and=20
professional success. By making a commitment to be a consultant in either=
elementary, middle or high school, you can make a positive impact in our=20
local schools.

The time commitment to teach is minimal- only one hour per week for 5-10=20
weeks (depending on the grade level). Volunteers for all programs receive=
training, materials and support from Junior Achievement. You may teach a=20
class alone or team up with a co-worker, friend or spouse. Most classes are=
taught during the school day with an after school program available in some=

To learn more about various Junior Achievement programs, attend a Brown Bag=
Lunch on October 12 at 11:30 a.m. in EB 552. A representative from JA will=
give a presentation and answer your questions. If you are interested in=20
becoming a consultant this year, please attend.

If you are unable to attend the Brown Bag luncheon, but would like addition=
information on volunteering, please call Katherine Cheng at (713) 682-4500.

One thing you can count on is the satisfaction of knowing you=01,re making =
difference in these students=01, lives. Junior Achievement wants to reach o=
130,000 young people during the 2000/2001 school year. With your help, it c=
reach its goal.