Enron Mail

Subject:Lincoln, Nebraska Preliminary O&M Estimate
Cc:mark.dobler@enron.com, john.cates@enron.com, tom.callaghan@enron.com,richard.bickings@enron.com
Bcc:mark.dobler@enron.com, john.cates@enron.com, tom.callaghan@enron.com,richard.bickings@enron.com
Date:Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:03:00 -0800 (PST)

Ben, please find attached the preliminary O&M estimate for the Lincoln, NE
project that we discussed. It shows O&M cost estimates for a 20 year period
assuming a stand alone plant with Availability required Monday - Friday, 6 am
to 10 pm during the peak seasons (hence 2 operating shifts of staff). The GT
major maintenance accrual is also shown assuming no membership in the Lease
Engine Membership program. Since we will be buying the output of the plant
from the Owner & Operator (LES) during a contract period, we may consider not
showing them these numbers. Before tipping our hand, I'd like to see what
they plan to "charge" us for the O&M portion of the power they provide us
during the agreement period. Please review these and the other assumptions to
ensure that I understand the project correctly at this point (especially the
water treatment part).

Since its preliminary in nature, please consider its accuracy +/- 25% for our
proforma purposes.

If LES is to provide what they feel the O&M would be, please let me in on
their numbers so we can provide our experience.

thanks, Scot