Enron Mail

To:dcatalina@juniper.com, fatpatde@aol.com, rbeste1301@aol.com,dhannum@philipinc.com, gioffrebnftsrvcs@cs.com, wgioffre@aol.com, jasgioffre@aol.com, chris.hannum@ssmgroup.com, dhannum@earthlink.net, gioffrem@aeltus.com, dgioffre@hotmail.com, sjs1516@eart
Date:Thu, 14 Sep 2000 02:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

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From: Ijeanzb@aol.com
Full-name: Ijeanzb
Message-ID: <81.99fd98.26f146e6@aol.com<
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 17:08:54 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Very Hungry
To: Debbie2t@aol.com, Secretsquirrel84@aol.com, NEBlack@aol.com,
JuniorDE@aol.com, MAulenDad@aol.com
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From: BLomas9163@aol.com
Full-name: BLomas9163
Message-ID: <b6.a81d438.26f1401c@aol.com<
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 16:39:56 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Very Hungry
To: Motivebell@aol.com, Babsie227@aol.com, bhowell@ime.net,
Bill94@bright.net, Ijeanzb@aol.com, harold.s.bruner@usa.dupont.com,
Cyberbels@aol.com, Onebzymom2@aol.com, Debmcg0122@aol.com,
CDesoimd@exploremaine.com, broadbl@nationwide.com,
conniegallagher@hotmail.com, GD7416@aol.com, szabolomas@dellnet.com,
JLomas4034@aol.com, mgrebnug@voyager.net, TCDESCH966@aol.com
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In a message dated 9/13/00 2:50:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
broadbl@nationwide.com writes:

<< Very Hungry...
<A waitress walks up to one of her tables in a New York City restaurant and
<Notices that the three Japanese businessmen seated there are furiously
<Masturbating. She yells, "What the hell do you guys think you are doing?"
<One of the Japanese men explains, "Can't you see? We are all berry
<The waitress begs the question, "So, how is whacking-off in the middle of
<the restaurant going to help that situation?" One of the other Japanese
<replies, "The menu say, FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED!"

Return-Path: <broadbl@nationwide.com<
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air-zb04.mail.aol.com (v75_b3.11) with ESMTP; Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:50:19 -0400
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Subject: Very Hungry
To: nefertari1217@hotmail.com, daved@del.net,
mwilson@premierproducts.net, blomas9163@aol.com,
Cindy_alfano@rollins.com, rambo405@aol.com, andrew@visionmerchants.com
From: broadbl@nationwide.com
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:49:53 -0400
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<Very Hungry...
<A waitress walks up to one of her tables in a New York City restaurant and
<Notices that the three Japanese businessmen seated there are furiously
<Masturbating. She yells, "What the hell do you guys think you are doing?"
<One of the Japanese men explains, "Can't you see? We are all berry
<The waitress begs the question, "So, how is whacking-off in the middle of
<the restaurant going to help that situation?" One of the other Japanese
<replies, "The menu say, FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED!"