Enron Mail

Subject:Property tax - Caledonia
Date:Tue, 5 Dec 2000 05:32:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Don Miller/HOU/ECT on 12/05/2000 01:32 PM

dthudson@duke-energy.com on 12/05/2000 12:18:18 PM
To: don.miller@enron.com
cc: Mario_H_Hurtado@duke-energy.com, Swati_V_Daji@duke-energy.com
Subject: Property tax - Caledonia

per my voice mail last week
---------------------- Forwarded by Daniel T
Hudson/NorthAmerica/EnergyServices on 12/05/2000 09:16 AM

Swati V Daji
12/05/2000 11:27 AM

To: Daniel T Hudson/NorthAmerica/EnergyServices@DukePower
Subject: Property tax - Caledonia

Doc 01.07.02 - Talks about a 15% assessment for as valorem taxes.
Doc - Property tax estimates - estimates from 2001-2019 (tax +
pilot payments) are $1M a year till 2009 and then to ~$1.4 M for next few
years beg 2010, dropping back down to $700K level.

In 2000, the property tax was just $500K, as there seems to be no pilot
payment until Jan 2001.

My questions are -
Confirm that the 15% assessment in first doc is included in the estimate
The schdule of estimated payments is all inclusive of the payments
relating to property taxes
Refer me to doc that talks about the pilot agreement or any other tax
abatement docs

